With Identity Manager 4.0.2 P2, the Active Directory driver includes support for the Exchange Server 2013 server.
NOTE:The Active Directory driver only supports provisioning accounts on Exchange Server 2013 servers with either Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, or Windows Server 2012 R2 installed.
If you install the driver on a Windows Server 2008 R2 computer, you must also install Windows Management Framework 3.0 for the IDM PowerShell service to function properly.
In order to provision Exchange Server 2013 mailboxes, the Active Directory driver uses Windows PowerShell in the form of the IDM PowerShell service.
The IDM PowerShell service is installed on the server that is running the Active Directory driver. If you decide to run the driver locally, the driver is installed on the Identity Manager server. If you decide to run the driver remotely, the driver is installed on the same server as the Remote Loader service.
The service listens on a default port of 8099. This is set when the service is installed. It is stored in the registry key IDM_PowerShell_Service, located in either HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Novell or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Novell, depending on your Windows installation. The value can be edited if necessary. If you edit the registry key, both the service and the driver must be restarted.
The Active Directory driver creates, moves, and disables Exchange Server 2013 mailboxes. The cmdlets supported by the Active Directory driver to create, move, and disable mailboxes in Exchange Server 2013 are Enable-Mailbox, New-MoveRequest, and Disable-Mailbox. The cmdlets use the following parameters in the Active Directory driver:
Enable-Mailbox: -Identity, -Alias, -Database, -DomainController
Disable-Mailbox: Identity, -DomainController, -Confirm
New-MoveRequest: -Identity, -TargetDatabase, -DomainController, -Confirm
For more functionality support, use the Scripting driver or the native PowerShell support feature. For more information on the Scripting driver, see the Identity Manager 4.0.2 Driver for Scripting Implementation Guide. For more information on PowerShell support in Identity Manager, see Section D.0, Configuring PowerShell Support.
To provision Exchange Server 2013 mailboxes, you must complete the following steps:
On the server where the driver will run, whether as a Remote Loader service or if the driver is installed locally, the following items must be installed:
Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.0 or later
Windows Management Framework 3.0 (required on Windows Server 2008 R2 only)
Microsoft Exchange 2013 Management Tools
To install the service, you must use the .NET Framework InstallUtil.exe utility. The version folder is the current version of the .NET Framework that is installed.
The default location for a 64-bit server is C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\version\InstallUtil.exe.
To use InstallUtil.exe:
Download and install Microsoft Exchange 2013 Management Tools on the driver server. You can download the Tools package from the following location: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb232090%28v=exchg.150%29.aspx
NOTE:If you install the service before installing the Microsoft Exchange 2013 Management Tools, you may need to reinstall the service.
Install the latest available patches and updates on your Identity Manager components and drivers.
On the driver server, open a .NET command prompt.
Issue the command InstallUtil IDMPowerShellService.exe to register the service and create the correct registry entries.
The default location of the service is C:\novell\remoteloader\Version\IDMPowerShellService.exe, where Version is either the 32-bit folder or the 64-bit folder.
To start the service, go to the Settings view and click
.Right-click the service
and select .If IDM PowerShell service is run as a local system, then the server where it runs must be a member of Organizational Management. If the IDM PowerShell service is run as a user, then the user must be a member of Recipient Management and View-Only Organization Management.
NOTE:To uninstall the service, open a .NET command prompt and issue the InstallUtil /u IDMPowerShellService.exe command.
You need to modify the existing driver object to enable provisioning with Exchange Server 2013.
Right-click the Active Directory driver in the Modeler, then select
and select .Click
and select .Click
.In iManager, click
.Select the driver set where the Active Directory driver is stored.
Click the upper right corner of the Active Directory driver, then click
.In the
tab, click and select .Click
.The Active Directory driver supports the database load balancing feature included in Exchange Server 2013. You can use the Active Directory driver to auto-provision Exchange Server 2013 accounts and enable Exchange to load balance accounts across the databases in your Exchange environment.
To enable load balancing, use either Designer or iManager to set the value of the defer.
parameter toFor more information about load balancing in Exchange Server 2013, see Load Balancing
Right-click the Active Directory driver in the Modeler, then select
> .Select
.Select the
and select .Set the value of the defer.
parameter toClick
.In iManager, click
.Select the driver set where the Active Directory driver is stored.
Click the upper right corner of the Active Directory driver, then click
.In the
tab, click and select .Set the value of the defer.
parameter toClick