23.0 Installing the Community Edition of JBoss

NetIQ provides the JBossPostgreSQL utility as a convenience for installing the Community Edition of JBoss Application Server and PostgreSQL database server, which are Open Source components.

  • NetIQ recommends that you use this utility for creating test environments only. JBoss supports the Community Edition of the JBoss Application Server only in their User Forums. If you need support for these components, you must go to the third party provider of the component. NetIQ does not provide updates for these components, or administration, configuration, or tuning information for these components, beyond what it is outlined in the RBPM documentation.

  • The JBossPostgreSQL utility does not secure the JMX Console or the JBoss Web Console. This leaves the JBoss environment vulnerable to security risks. You must lock down the environment as soon as you complete your installation. For more information about securing the JMX Console and JBoss Web Console, see.

  • The installation program creates a new user with the name novlua. The jboss_init script runs JBoss as this user, using the permission defined in the JBoss files.

For more information about the database requirements, see Section 6.7.4, Understanding the User Application Database. For more information about the application server requirements, see Section 6.7.3, Understanding the Application Server Requirements.

To install JBoss PostgreSQL

  1. Log on to the computer as the root user (Linux) or with an Administrator account (Windows).

  2. Execute JBossPostgreSQL.exe or JBossPostgreSQL.bin, located by default in the RBPM folder of the installation kit.

  3. Complete the steps in the installation wizard.

  4. Shut down the JBoss server until you complete the installation for the User Application.

  5. Lock down the JBoss environment to eliminate security risks.

    For more information about securing the JMX Console and JBoss Web Console, see.