2.16 Configuring Auditing and Logging

When you run the Updater utility (IdmHPD.bin), the utility replaces your existing logging configuration files for the User Application and Reporting Module (if installed). The utility sets all logging settings back to the default configuration when the User Application or Reporting Module were first installed. In addition, the utility disables Auditing by default.

If you previously configured and enabled Auditing and logging in your environment, you must reconfigure Auditing and logging before starting the application server.

NOTE:You only need to reconfigure and enable Auditing if you had previously enabled Auditing in your environment.

Do not enable Auditing unless you have configured your environment as outlined in Setting Up Logging, in the User Application: Administration Guide.

  1. (Conditional) If you have the Reporting Module installed and Auditing enabled, complete the following steps:

    1. Navigate to the location of the logging configuration files within the JBoss installation. For example: /opt/novell/idm/jboss/server/IDMProv/conf/

    2. Using a text editor, open the first idmrptNAME_logging.xml file.

    3. Under <appender-ref ref="NAUDIT"/>, uncomment the following entries:

      <logger additivity="true" name="com.novell" level="INFO">
      <logger additivity="true" name="com.netiq" level="INFO">
    4. Save and close the file.

    5. Repeat the substeps above for each idmrptNAME_logging.xml file.

  2. In a command prompt, enter the following command:

    /etc/init.d/jboss_init start
  3. Use the JBoss log to verify that the server started completely and address any issues or errors.

  4. To verify you have configured the SSL Controller correctly, look for the following entry in the server.log file:

    INFO [com.novell.common.auth.saml.AuthTokenGenerator] (main) [RBPM] SSO Framework is enabled
  5. Use a Web browser to access your User Application server, logging in as the User Application administrator.

  6. Click the Administration tab, then click the Application Configuration tab.

  7. Click Logging.

  8. Select Enable audit service, then click Submit.

  9. Log out of the User Application.