18.5 Report Parameters

The Resource Assignments by Resource report contains the following parameters:

Report name: The name of the report.

Report description: A description of the report.

Tags: A free-form field for any information to help you find this report. Specify multiple tags by delimiting them with commas.

Release date: The date the report was released.

Comments: Specify any comments about the report.

Output format: Select the type of format for the output. You can select PDF or CSV.

Criteria > Language: Select the language for the report.

Criteria > Date Range: Select a data range from the following options:

If you select Custom Date Range, you must specify a From Date and a To Date.

Criteria > Limit results to: Specify the number of results displayed in the report.

Criteria > Name order: Select the order the names are displayed in the report. The options are:

Criteria > Resources: List the resources that you want to include in the report. If you leave the field blank, the Identity Reporting Module attempts to include all resources up the specified maximum number of rows.

Default Notifications > To: Specify one or more e-mail addresses of people that you want to receive the notification that the report ran. The report is attached to the notification e-mail.

Default Notification > cc: Specify one or more e-mail addresses of people that you want to receive a copy of the notification that the report ran. The report is attached to the notification e-mail.

Default Notifications > Subject: Specify a subject line for the notification that the report ran.

Default Notification > Message: Specify a message for the notification that the report ran.

Scheduled Run >Scheduled name: Specify a name for the scheduled run of the report.

Scheduled Run > Prepend report definition name: Select whether to prepend the report definition name to the report.

Scheduled Run > Start date: Specify the date when the scheduled run starts.

Scheduled Run > Time of day: Specify the time of day of when the scheduled run starts.

Scheduled Run > Frequency: Specify how often the report runs during the scheduled dates.

Scheduled Run > End date: Specify the date when the scheduled run ends.

Scheduled Run > Attempt data collection before scheduled run: Select whether to attempt to collect the data before the report is scheduled to run.

Scheduled Run > Use default notifications: Select whether to use the default notification information. If you choose to not use the default notification information, you see additional fields for this run of the report: