13.5 Report Parameters

The Managed System Data Collection report contains the following parameters:

Report name: The name of the report.

Report description: A description of the report.

Tags: A free-form field for any information to help you find this report. Specify multiple tags by delimiting them with commas.

Release date: The date the report was released.

Comments: Specify any comments about the report.

Output format: Select the type of format for the output. You can select PDF or CSV.

Criteria > Language: Select the language for the report.

Criteria > Limit results to: Specify the number of results displayed in the report.

Default Notifications > To: Specify one or more e-mail addresses of people that you want to receive the notification that the report ran. The report is attached to the notification e-mail.

Default Notification > cc: Specify one or more e-mail addresses of people that you want to receive a copy of the notification that the report ran. The report is attached to the notification e-mail.

Default Notifications > Subject: Specify a subject line for the notification that the report ran.

Default Notification > Message: Specify a message for the notification that the report ran.

Scheduled Run >Scheduled name: Specify a name for the scheduled run of the report.

Scheduled Run > Prepend report definition name: Select whether to prepend the report definition name to the report.

Scheduled Run > Start date: Specify the date when the scheduled run starts.

Scheduled Run > Time of day: Specify the time of day when the scheduled run starts.

Scheduled Run > Frequency: Specify how often the report runs during the scheduled dates.

Scheduled Run > End date: Specify the date when the scheduled run ends.

Scheduled Run > Attempt data collection before scheduled run: Select whether to attempt to collect the data before the report is scheduled to run.

Scheduled Run > Use default notifications: Select whether to use the default notification information. If you choose to not use the default notification information, you see additional fields for this run of the report: