1.1 Introduction

The Novell Identity Manager driver for Sungard Banner integrates with the Sungard Banner system. The driver synchronizes identity information for students, faculty and staff in the higher education environment. This information is stored in the Identity Vault where it can be synchronized with other applications.

Sungard Banner provides the Unified Digital Campus to unify people, processes, and technology in an environment that addresses the needs of higher education institutions and the people they serve. The Sungard Banner solutions involve the Banner Suite, Luminis Portal, and Workflow and other applications. Although the architecture of the Sungard Banner driver and the Sungard Banner data interfaces the driver uses are intended to allow a single driver to integrate with any of the Sungard components, version 4.0.1 of the driver only supports the Banner Suite.

Sungard Banner communicates identity information by using the UDCIdentity schema in SPML 2.0 formatted documents. The Identity Manager driver for Sungard Banner converts the UDCIdentity schema from SPML 2.0 format into Novell XDS format and publishes the resulting document to the Identity Vault.

For more information about the UDCIdentity, see the Sungard Banner Identity Handbook.

For more information on SPML 2.0, see <OpenSMPL.org>.