3.3 Google Apps Requirements

In order for the driver to interact with your domain, the following steps are required:

3.3.1 Enabling the Google Provisioning API Access

The driver will provision users into Google Apps for Business or Google Apps for Education edition services. It is necessary to enable the Google Provisioning API of your Google Apps subscription before the driver can interoperate with Google Apps.

To enable Google’s API access:

  1. Using a web browser, log into the Google Apps Administration Console, typically found at http://www.google.com/a/yourdomainname, where yourdomainname is the Google Apps domain for your subscription. For example, if your Google Apps accounts take the form of username@mydomain.com, then your domain name is mydomain.com.

  2. From the Dashboard, select "Domain Settings".

  3. From the Domain Settings management page, select "User Settings".

  4. Scroll down the Settings page and check the box labeled "Enable Provisioning API".

  5. Save the settings by clicking the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page.

You can confirm that the API has been enabled by clicking the "Organizations and Users" button at the top of the management console.

This enables the Provisioning API interface for your Google Apps subscription. This interface provides the access methods which the driver will use to provision and manage users and groups in Google Apps.

3.3.2 Creating a Google Administrative Account

In order for the Google Driver to access the Google Domain and perform administrative functions such as creating users, the driver must log in to the domain using a Google account with Administrative Privileges.

To access the Google Domain:

  1. Using a web browser, log into the Google Apps Administration Console, typically found at http://www.google.com/a/yourdomainname, where yourdomainname is the Google Apps domain for your subscription. For example, if your Google Apps accounts take the form of username@mydomain.com, then your domain name is mydomain.com.

  2. From the Dashboard, select "Organization & Users".

  3. Click the Create a New User button.

  4. Enter a First Name, Last Name and email address.

  5. Click on the Set Password link and set the password you desire to user for the driver ID.

  6. Click Create new user.

  7. Find your new Driver ID in the list of Users and select it.

  8. Click on the Privileges tab and check the Administrator Privileges box and click Save Changes

  9. Log out of the Google console and log back in using the new Driver ID.

  10. Accept the Google Terms of Service.

Now this ID can be used by the driver to manage the Google domain.