DirXML Script supports two kinds of variables: global and local. A global variable is a variable that is defined in a global configuration value for the driver or the driver set. Global variables are by definition read-only. A local variable is a variable that is set by a policy. A local variable can exist in one of two different scopes: policy or driver. A policy-scoped variable is only visible during the processing of the current operation by the policy that sets the variable. A driver-scoped variable is visible from all DirXML Script policies running within the same driver until the driver is stopped.
A variable name must be a legal XML name. For information on what is a legal XML name, see W3C Extensible Markup Language (XML).
There are a number of global and local variables that are automatically defined.
Table 4-2 Defined Global and Local Variables
Name |
Type |
Description |
dirxml.auto.driverdn |
global/string |
Slash format DN of the current driver. |
dirxml.auto.localserverdn |
global/string |
DN of the local server where the current driver is running in LDAP format. |
dirxml.auto.driverguid |
global/string |
GUID of the current driver. |
dirxml.auto.treename |
global/string |
Tree name of the local eDirectory instance. |
fromNDS |
policy local/boolean |
True if the source data store is eDirectory. False if the source data store is the connected application. |
destQueryProcessor |
policy local/java object |
Instance of XdsQueryProcessor used to query the destination data store. |
srcQueryProcessor |
policy local/java object |
Instance of XdsQueryProcessor used to query the source data store. |
destCommandProcessor |
policy local/java object |
Instance of XdsCommandProcessor used to query the destination data store. |
srcCommandProcessor |
policy local/java object |
Instance of XdsCommandProcessor used to query the source data store. |
dnConverter |
policy local/java object |
Instance of DNConverter. |
current-node |
policy local/node set |
The loop variable for each iteration of the for each element. |
current-value |
policy local/node set |
The loop variable for each iteration of the reformat operation attribute. |
current-op |
policy local/node set |
The current operation. Setting this variable using the <do-set-local-variable> element causes the first operation specified by <arg-node-set> to become the current operation for the remainder of the current policy execution or until it is set to another value. The new current operation must be an element sibling of the original current operation and must have been added by the current policy. |