10.2 Using Designer to Configure the Java Environment Parameters

  1. Open your project in the Modeler.

  2. Right-click the driver set icon , then click Properties > Java.

  3. Modify the following settings as desired:

    Server: If the driver set is associated with multiple Metadirectory servers, select the server whose JVM parameters you want to configure.

    Classpath Additions: Specify additional paths for the JVM to search for package (.jar) and class (.class) files. Using this parameter is the same as using the java -classpath command. When entering multiple class paths, separate them with a semicolon (;) for a Windows JVM and a colon (:) for a UNIX/Linux JVM.

    JVM Options: Specify additional options to use with the JVM. Refer to your JVM documentation for valid options.

    DHOST_JVM_OPTIONS is the corresponding environment variable. It specifies the arguments for JVM 1.2. For example:

    -Xnoagent -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp: transport=dt_socket,server=y, address=8000

    Each option string is separated by whitespace. If an option string contains whitespace, then it must be enclosed in double quotes.

    The driver set attribute option has precedence over the DHOST_JVM_OPTIONS environment variable. This environment variable is tacked on to the end of driver set attribute option.

    Initial Heap Size: Specify the initial (minimum) heap size available to the JVM in bytes. Increasing the initial heap size can improve startup time and throughput performance. Using this parameter is the same as using the java -Xms command.

    DHOST_JVM_INITIAL_HEAP is the corresponding environment variable. It specifies the initial JVM heap size in decimal number of bytes. It has precedence over the driver set attribute option.

    Refer to your JVM documentation for information about the JVM's default initial heap size.

    Maximum Heap Size: Specify the maximum heap size available to the JVM. Use a numeric value followed by G, M, or K. If no letter size is specified, the size defaults to bytes. Using this parameter is the same as using the java -Xmx command.

    DHOST_JVM_MAX_HEAP is the corresponding environment variable. It specifies the maximum JVM heap size in decimal number of bytes. It has precedence over the driver set attribute option.

    Refer to your JVM documentation for information about the JVM's default maximum heap size.

  4. Click OK to save your changes.

  5. To deploy the changes into your Identity Vault, right-click the driver set icon , click Live > Deploy, and follow the deployment prompts.

  6. Restart eDirectory to apply the changes.