
The <do-start-workflow> action starts the workflow specified by workflow-id for the recipient specified by <arg-dn> on the User Application server specified by url using credentials specified by id and <arg-password>. The recipient must be an LDAP format DN of an object in the directory served by the User Application server. The additional arguments to the workflow may be specified by named <arg-string>'s. Multiple values can be specified delimited by a semi-colon(;). In case, a semi-colon(;) is part of the value, then it should be escaped by using a backslash(\) The number of the strings and the names used are dependent on the workflow to be started. There are some names that have special meaning and are available regardless of the workflow being started.

Name Description


The LDAP format DN of the initiator of the workflow, if other than the User used to authenticate.


An identifier used to correlate related workflows. Default: Operation event correlation id is used if no value is specified.

There will be one of these two local variables available to the enclosing policy depending on the success or failure of this request.


<do-start-workflow id="cn=WorkflowAdmin,o=People" url="http://localhost:8080/IDMProv" workflow-id="CN=ApproveCellPhone,CN=RequestDefs,CN=AppConfig,CN=UserApplication,CN=DriverSet,O=novell" time-out="30000">
    <token-named-password name="workflow-admin"/>
    <token-parse-dn dest-dn-format="ldap" src-dn-format="qualified-slash">
      <token-xpath expression="@qualified-src-dn"/>
  <arg-string name="provider">
  <arg-string name="reason">
    <token-text>new hire</token-text>
  <arg-string name="email">
  <arg-string name="text">
    <token-text>one, two, and three\; a, b, and c\; first, second, and third</token-text>

1. Allowed Content

password argument
DN argument
string argument

2. Attributes

AttributeValue(s)Default Value
disabled true   |  false
true if this element is disabled
the LDAP format DN of a user authorized to start workflows on the User Application server
supports variable expansion
notrace true   |  false
time-out CDATA
the number of milliseconds to wait to establish a connection to the User Application server before timing out.
supports variable expansion
the URL of the User Application server where the worflow will run
supports variable expansion
workflow-id CDATA
the LDAP format DN of the workflow to start
supports variable expansion

3. Content Rule

( arg-password , arg-dn , arg-string * )

4. Parent Elements

  actions that are performed by a <rule>
  actions argument

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