6.3 Installing Designer in a Locale Other Than the System Locale

You can use additional prompts with the Windows executable file to install Designer in a language other than the system locale. Consider the following scenario: the system locale on your computer is set to German, but you want to install Designer in English.

To install:

  1. Download and extract the Identity_Manager_4.8_Designer_Windows.zip file.

  2. Navigate to the designer_install folder in your computer’s Downloads folder.

    For example, C:\Users\<username>\Downloads\Identity_Manager_4.8_Designer_Windows\designer_install

  3. Open a command prompt and run the following command:

    install.exe -i silent -l en_us

    This command silently installs Designer in the English (United States) locale. For other locale designation supported by Designer, see Step 3.b in the Using the Silent Installation Process.