1.3 Changes To Be Considered While Upgrading

This release and onwards, Identity Manager supports Java 11 for all its components, except Identity Reporting. Identity Reporting will continue to use Java 8.

If you run Identity Reporting on the same server with other Identity Manager components, you may face performance issues. It is recommended that you move Identity Reporting to a standalone server.

Review the following considerations before upgrade:

  • New service would be created with the following name:

    • For Windows, NetIQ Identity Reporting Service

    • For Linux, netiq-tomcat-jre8

  • You must reconfigure the Data Collection Service (DCS) driver with the following changes:

    1. Update the port number of DCS server, if Identity Reporting is installed along with Identity Engine and Identity Applications.

    2. In configuration update utility, under IDM SSO Client, check the OAuth redirect URI of Reporting Client and Data Collection Service in the following format respectively:

      https://<host name>:<port>/IDMRPT/oauth.html

      https://<host name>:<port>/idmdcs/oauth.html

    3. (Conditional) If you make any changes in the configuration update utility, start the tomcat using the following command:

      systemctl start netiq-tomcat-jre8.service
  • (Conditional) If Identity user applications and Identity Reporting are on the same server, and if the NetIQ Access Manager (NAM) is used to configure servers as reverse proxy, then perform the following steps:

    1. In NAM, create a new proxy service in the reverse proxy list of the Access gateway with the newly published DNS name.

    2. Go to the new proxy service's Web Server Addresses and update the Identity Reporting port in the Connect Port.

    3. Save and update the reverse proxy.

  • Bookmarks added on your browsers need to be updated because the port for Identity Reporting may change.

  • Java 11 does not support the lib/ext directory inside JAVA_HOME. So from this release onwards, the netiq-jrex rpm will back up the contents of the lib/ext directory to the lib/org_ext directory.