20.4 Handling RPM Updates and Third Party Files for AKS

This service pack provides an efficient way to handle RPM updates and third-party files in a container. This can be achieved by placing the required RPM files, library (.so) files, and third-party .jar files in the mountfiles directory. The RPM files present in the mountfiles directory will be updated forcefully. The .so and .jar files are automatically soft linked to the /opt/novell/eDirectory/lib64/nds-modules/ and /opt/novell/eDirectory/lib/dirxml/classes/ directories respectively when the containers are restarted. The purpose of this option is to have the updated drivers within the docker containers.

NOTE:Currently, this enhancement is applicable for Identity Manager Engine and Remote Loader containers.

  1. Log in to Azure portal and click .

  2. Run the following command to log in to your Persistent Volume:

    kubectl exec –it -n idm <container name> bash

    For example

    kubectl exec –it -n idm identityengine-0 bash

  3. Copy the required files to the respective container-specific mountfiles directory.

    1. (Conditional) For Identity Manager Engine container, copy the files to /config/idm/mountfiles by running the following command:

      kubectl cp -n <namespace> <file to be copied> <container name>:/config/idm/mountfiles 
    2. (Conditional) For Identity Remote Loader container, copy the files to /config/rdxml/mountfiles by running the following command:

      kubectl cp -n <namespace> <file to be copied> <container name>:/config/rdxml/mountfiles 

    NOTE:The supported file formats are .so, .jar, and .rpm.

  4. Run the following comment to restart the container:

    helm upgrade identity-manager helm_charts/identity-manager-1.3.0.tgz --namespace <namespace> -f values.yaml

IMPORTANT:Whatever the rpm present inside the mount files is prioritized, in case of future updates you need to carefully remove the existing rpm and update the latest one.