22.7 Error Code 413 Displayed When Importing Multiple Reports in Identity Manager Reporting

Issue: In Identity Manager Reporting, when you try to import multiple reports with a total size exceeding 1MB, it will show error 413. This happens because the default request body size allowed by the nginx-ingress controller is 1MB.

There was an error calling the URL (/IDMRPT-CORE/rpt/definitions/import?uploadid=<id>&content=text/html&format=application/json&overwrite=true). The server returned the status code 413 with the following data which was not parsable JSON data:

Workaround: This issue can be resolved by allowing a larger request body size, by adding the following annotation in the values.yaml file under the Ingress Configuration section:

nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: 3m