21.3 Running the Terraform apply Command Displays an Exception

Issue: When you are running the terraform apply command in the Azure portal, you might see the following exception:

(AgentPoolK8sVersionNotSupported) Version <version> is not supported in this region. Please use [az aks get-versions] command to get the supported version list in this region. For more information, please check https://aka.ms/supported-version-list

Workaround: To resolve this issue, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Azure portal.

  2. Click .

  3. Run the following command to identify the supported versions available in your location:

    az aks get-versions -l <location>

    For example,

    az aks get-versions -l eastus
  4. Navigate to the IDM_4.8.5_Cloud_Deployment_files directory, go to main.tf file and edit the following values:

    kubernetes_version = "<version>"

    orchestrator_version = "<version>"

    For example,

    kubernetes_version = "1.20.15"

    orchestrator_version = "1.20.15"

    NOTE:Version 1.20.x is certified and supported on AKS Kubernetes.

  5. Re-run the following command:

    terraform apply --auto-approve