11.2 Forms Are Not Loaded When Requesting For a Permission

Issue: After deploying the Identity Applications container, when you try to request for a permission that is associated with new forms, the form does not load as expected. This issue has been randomly observed.

Workaround: Ensure that the Form Renderer server and port details are specified in the nginx.conf file. To update the nginx.conf file, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Form Renderer container.

    docker exec -it <container> <command>

    For example,

    docker exec -it fr-container bash

  2. Navigate to the /opt/netiq/common/nginx/ directory.

  3. Edit the nginx.conf file.

  4. Specify the Form Renderer server and port details. For example:

    server {
    listen 8600 ssl;
    server_name  formrenderer.example.com;