15.2 Exception Reported When the IP Address Is Already In Use in Your Network

Issue: The container deployment fails when the IP address is already in use by a different container across your network. The following exception is reported on the console.

fatal: [<ip address/DNS>]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Error starting container b1eb07f42cf6bd63787ae6167f5e3a0f7cbee0f8be80a5764bcc7c7f9d6b96b1: 403 Client Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.40/containers/b1eb07f42cf6bd63787ae6167f5e3a0f7cbee0f8be80a5764bcc7c7f9d6b96b1/start: Forbidden (\"Address already in use\")"}

Workaround: Assign a different IP address for the container.