9.1 Prerequisites for Updating Containers

Perform the following steps before you update each of the Identity Manager containers.

IMPORTANT:This section does not apply for the PostgreSQL container. For information about updating the PostgreSQL container, see Updating PostgreSQL Container in the Updating Containers on Distributed Servers section or Updating PostgreSQL Container in the Updating Containers on a Single Server section.

  1. (Conditional) Copy the required dependent files to the mount directory. For more information, see Handling RPM Updates and Third Party Files.

  2. Stop all the Identity Manager containers.

    docker stop <container name>

    For example,

    docker stop engine-container

  3. Take a back up of the shared directory. The examples in the guide assumes /data as the shared directory.

  4. Delete all the Identity Manager containers.

    docker rm <container name>

    For example,

    docker rm engine-container

  5. (Conditional) Delete all obsolete Docker images.

    docker rmi <image ID>