10.11 Copying the Client Settings

The Identity Applications client settings migration utility helps you copy the client settings from Database to File System mode or vice versa. You can also use the utility to copy the client settings from one Identity Applications server to another Identity Applications server, or just export the settings, save them, and import them to another location a later time.

The migration utility is available as a zip file in the ISO files at <LINUX_ISO>/user_application/IDM_Tools and <WINDOWS_ISO>/IdentityApplications/IDM_Tools. When the file is unzipped, a jar file and a silent properties file is extracted in the /opt/netiq/common/utils/ or C:\netiq\common\utils\ on your file system.

Run the jar file in a command prompt using the following syntax:

java -jar MigrationSettings.jar [-option1] [value1]....[-optionN] [valueN]

The following options are supported with the jar file:

-e                   Export to a file name. Example: clients.json

-i                   Import settings from a file name. Example: clients.json

-sp                  Source Server protocol (http/https default: http)

-ss                  Source Server IP address (default: localhost)

-spo                 Source Server port (default: 8180)

-srctx               Source Server RBPM Context (default: IDMProv)

-su                  Source Username. Example: cn=uaadmin,ou=sa,o=data

-spwd                Source Password

-dp                  Destination Server protocol (http/https default: http)

-ds                  Destination Server IP adrress(default: localhost)

-dpo                 Destination Server port (default: 8180)

-drctx               Destination Server RBPM Context (default: IDMProv)

-du                  Destination Username. Example: cn=uaadmin,ou=sa,o=data

-dpwd                Destination Password

-f <filename>        Use this option to silently copy the settings. In a silent mode, the file reads the values from the silent property file. Using this option overrides the other options passed to the migration utility.

To copy the settings from one location to another location, you must specify the source and destination details in the silent properties file as following:













where source specifies the location from where you want to copy the client settings and destination specifies the location to which you want to copy these settings. Location can be a server, File System, or a Database.

NOTE:You must specify the values for the properties for the source. If you do not specify the value for the password property in the silent properties file, the utility prompts you for the value when you run it in the command line.

Perform the following actions to copy the client settings:

  1. Log in as a root user to the destination computer where you want to move the client settings.

  2. Open a terminal session.

  3. Specify the values for source and destination servers in the silent properties file.

  4. Run the migration utility by entering the following command:

    java -jar MigrationSettings.jar [-option1] [value1]....[-optionN] [valueN]


Example 1: java -jar MigrationSettings.jar -e settings.json -f silent.properties

This command copies all client settings into the settings.json file. This option is useful when you want to save the exported settings.

Example 2: java -jar MigrationSettings.jar -i settings.json -f silent.properties

This command imports all client settings from the settings.json file to the destination server by reading the values provided in the silent properties file.

Example 3: java -jar MigrationSettings.jar -e settings.json -sp http -ss localhost -spo 8180 -srctx IDMProv -su cn= admin,ou=sa,o=data -spwd password

This command exports all client settings from the server whose details are provided in the command prompt. This option is useful when you want to save the exported settings.

Example 4: java -jar MigrationSettings.jar -i settings.json -dp http -ds localhost -dpo 8180 -drctx IDMProv -du cn=admin,ou=sa,o=data -dpwd password

This command copies all client settings stored in the settings.json file to the destination server whose details are provided in the command prompt.