11.2 View and Manage the Appearance of Tasks Page



Select Column to set default sort

By default, the task results in the Tasks page are sorted by Assigned To.

You can select a different column from the list to sort the task results. Also, you can sort the results by ascending or descending order.

Use Sort by Descending Order to sort the results in descending order. Disabling this option displays the results in ascending order.

Allow user to customize columns

By default, this option is enabled. Disabling this option restricts the user from customizing columns in the Tasks page.

  • Available columns: Displays the columns which are disabled for user customization.

  • User default columns: Displays the columns that are already showing on the Tasks page.

  • Available columns for User customization: Displays the columns that can be customized by users.

Allow user to customize task detail open

By default, this option is enabled. This option allows you to change the preferences of opening the approval form in the Tasks page. Go to Tasks page and click to change the preferences.

Disabling this option will restrict the system users from changing the preferences of opening the approval form in the Tasks page. However, you can change this preferences in the Settings > Customization page.

Click Save to apply your changes.