A.6 Event Transformation Rule

The Event Transformation rule operates on events reported on a channel input. The Subscriber and Publisher channels usually have different Event Transformation rules. The purpose of the Event Transformation rules is to modify the report of the events before the events are processed further by Identity Manager. Note that Merge operations do not transit the Event Transformation rule.

There are many common applications for the Event Transformation rules, including:

  • Scope filtering (for example, only allow events on objects in a particular subtree, or with a particular attribute value)

  • Custom event filtering (for example, disallow moves or deletes)

  • Transforming the event directly into a custom command to be passed to the connected system

  • Generating additional events

A.6.1 Publisher

The input to the Publisher channel is a description of an event coming from the connected system. The purpose of the Event Transformation rule is to modify that event description. This is applied after the Input Transformation policy and Schema Mapping policy, but before any other policy-based event processing. The policies implemented in the Event Transformation rule act on the event, such as Add, Delete, or Modify, and not on the data in the event. This is the place where policies are applied to events. For example, you can apply a policy that blocks add events.

If an Add operation is converted into a Merge operation, the current document is discarded, and the filter is used to query to both the connected system and to Identity Vault for all values. The setting for each attribute in the filter is used to decide what to do with the data. The options include overwriting the source information with the information from the destination, overwriting the destination with the source, combining the two and updating both with the results, or doing nothing.

If an Add event contains an association value, the Identity Manager engine turns it into a Modify event.

A.6.2 Subscriber

The input to the Subscriber channel is a description of an event coming from the Identity Vault. In many cases, the filter might be used to determine the types of objects you want, and the attributes of those objects, but the Event Transformation policy can be used to further customize the events. This can be referred to as scope filtering, and it allows for much finer control of what gets through.For example, you can use filter to specify user objects. It assumes that you want all users synchronized. If a connected system is limited to a subset of all users, then the Event Transformation policy is used to decide if an event for an object is in scope or not. For example, if your connected system should have only users with a department attribute of Sales in it, then a rule on the Event Transformation policy to block any event that is for a user that does not have Sales as its department can accomplish this goal.