6.1 Refreshing the Fetched Connected Application’s Schema

When you configure the driver for the first time, you must set the Refresh Schema on Driver Startup to Yes and specify the Schema Options for fetching the connected application’s schema. Once these parameters are set and you start the driver, the driver fetches the connected applications schema and stores it in the driver storage (DirXML-DriverStorage: ), which is available in iManager > Driver Properties > General tab.

In iManager, the procedure to refresh the schema, or fetch a new schema for mapping is shown below:

  1. Login to iManager.

  2. Select Identity Manager Overview.

  3. Click Driver Sets tab, all the configured drivers appear.

    NOTE:If the driver set is not listed on the Driver Sets tab, use the Search In field to search for and display the driver set.

  4. Click the driver name, the Driver Set Overview page appears.

  5. Select Schema Mapping Policies in the SCIM driver diagram.

  6. Open the schema mapping policy that is available.

  7. Click Refresh Application Schema button, and click OK to confirm. A confirmation message appears displaying the successful schema refresh action.

  8. Select fetched schema's resource type with the corresponding Identity Manager's resource and click Add. Perform this step for all the resource types that are to be mapped.

  9. After mapping all the resource types, Select the Resource Type and click Attribute button.

  10. In the Identity Manager Schema Mapping Policy Editor window, select the corresponding attribute value for the resource type and click Add > OK.

    Similarly, map all the resource types with their corresponding attributes. For more information on mapping attributes see, Section C.0, Mapping Attributes for Identity Manager and Connected Application.

  11. Click Apply > OK.

  12. Now, click the Driver Filter in the SCIM driver diagram.

  13. In the Filter window, scroll to find the mapped attribute and select it. The fields associated with the selected attribute appears in the right pane.

  14. Select the Synchronize radio button in the Publish and Subscribe options.

  15. Click Apply > OK.