8.0 Procedure for upgrading from Azure AD Driver 5.1.4 or earlier to 5.1.6 or later


  • Microsoft has announced the retirement of Azure AD and Msol PowerShell modules. MS has recommended using Microsoft graph based PowerShell cmdlets instead. For more information, see: Upgrade from Azure AD PowerShell to Microsoft Graph PowerShell.

  • It is highly recommended to perform the Driver Upgrade by taking downtime so that there no changes in Azure are lost while the driver is getting upgraded. Otherwise, after the upgrade, it will be necessary to migrate the Users and Groups into Identity Vault to ensure that no changes in Azure were lost.

The driver upgrade process involves upgrading the installed driver packages and updating the existing driver files. These are independent tasks and can be separately planned for a driver. For example, you can update the driver packages and choose not to update the driver files at the same time. However, you are recommended to complete all the update steps within a short amount of time to ensure that the driver has the latest updates.

Before starting the upgrade process, ensure that you have taken a back-up of the current driver configuration.