2.6 Extending Schema For Supporting Custom Attributes

You can upload new attributes through the Identity Manager to extend the schema. The following steps explain the procedure to extend the schema:

  1. Navigate to the extracted driver zip folder > schema.

  2. Copy the epicID.sch file to the system where Identity Manager is installed.

  3. Execute the following ndssch command.

    ndssch [-h hostname[:port]] [-t tree_name] [-d] admin_FDN schemafile [schema_description]

    For example, ndssch -h -t SLES12SP3_Quality_131123_TREE -d admin.sa.system /root/schema/epicID.sch

  4. The log file is created in the default location, /root/schema.log for troubleshooting.

  5. Restart Identity Manager to see the schema changes.