1.3 Special Attribute Handling

Login Disabled: When mapping Login Disabled in the Identity Vault to IsActive in Epic the value must be reversed for the desired outcome. When Login Disabled is set to true in the Identity Vault the matching result in Epic for IsActive would be false. If the attribute us synced straight through without changing the value, the result will be the opposite of what is desired.

CustomUserDictionaries: This attribute is an indexed array of strings in Epic. To set the order of the values beings sent to Epic, an optional XML attribute order can be used. The lowest order number is 1. If no order is provided the driver will auto increment and the order of the values will not be guaranteed.

<modify-attr attr-name="CustomUserDictionaries">
        <value order="2" timestamp="1530022566#6" type="string">Users\Dictionaries\Shared-dictionary.tlx</value>
        <value order="1" timestamp="1530022566#6" type="string">Users\Dictionaries\Bobs-dictionary.tlx</value>