Overview This hot-fix is applicable for SAP User drivers running Identity Manager 4.7.x and above. The driver version will be changed to after the patch is applied. System Requirements Identity Manager 4.7 or later Or Driver with SAP JCO3 at a minimum Driver with latest base package is recommended Upgrading the Driver The driver upgrade process involves updating the driver files. Updating the Driver Files 1) Take a back-up of the current driver configuration. 2) (Conditional) If the driver is running locally, stop the driver instance and the Identity Vault. 3) (Conditional) If the driver is running with a Remote Loader instance, stop the driver and the Remote Loader instance. 4) Download and unzip the contents of the IDM_SAPUM_4.0.4_HF1.zip file to a temporary location on your computer. 5) (Conditional) To update the driver files as a root user: 1.On the server where you want to apply the driver patch, log in as root/administrator. 2.Navigate to the directory and perform one of the following actions for your platform: Linux: Install the new novell-DXMLsapus.rpm in your driver installation directory by running the following command in a terminal window: rpm -Uvh (patch-path)/linux/novell-DXMLsapus.rpm 3.Windows: Copy the sapumshim.jar file to your driver installation folder. For example, \NetIQ\IdentityManager\NDS\lib, if the driver is locally installed with the Identity Manager engine or \Novell\RemoteLoader\lib if the driver is installed with the Remote Loader. 6) (Conditional) To update the driver files as a non-root user: 1.Verify that /rpm directory exists and contains _db.000 file. 2.The _db.000 file is created during a non-root installation of the Identity Manager engine. Absence of this file might indicate that Identity Manager is not properly installed. Reinstall Identity Manager to correctly place the file in the directory. To set the root directory to the location of non-root Identity Vault, enter the following command in the command prompt: ROOTDIR= This will set the environmental variables to the directory where Identity Vault is installed as a non-root user. 3.To install the driver files, enter the following command: For example, to install the SAP User driver RPM, use this command: rpm --dbpath $ROOTDIR/rpm -Uvh --relocate=/usr=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/etc=$ROOTDIR/etc --relocate=/opt/novell/eDirectory=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/opt/novell/dirxml=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/dirxml --relocate=/var=$ROOTDIR/var --badreloc --nodeps --replacefiles /home/user/novell-DXMLsapus.rpm where /opt/novell/eDirectory is the location where non-root eDirectory is installed and /home/user/ is the home directory of the non-root user. 7) (Conditional) If the driver is running locally, start the Identity Vault and the driver instance. 8) (Conditional) If the driver is running with a Remote Loader instance, start the Remote Loader instance and the driver instance. Technical Support Information Issues Fixed in this Release Bug 446003 : SAP Driver uses SUSR BAPI for User Lock and Unlock which are obsolete Issues Fixed in Previous Releases Issue Fixed in Driver Bug 1113437 - The SAP User Management Entitlements and Fanout Support package shipped with the driver contains the correct driver policies and places them in a correct order with appropriate weights Bug 1123153 - Multiple attributes are succesfully changed in a single modify command Bug 1123162 - The Fax Number attribute (ADDFAX) is successfully synchronized on the Subscriber channel Bug 1129298 - Ability to properly handle and synchronize the 'ß' special character Bug 1076976 - Ability to send a detailed exception and reason when a change password operation fails on the Subscriber channel Bug 1110138 - Provides new options to override the SNC parameters for secondary connections