This Readme comprises the following sections:
This update is applicable for REST drivers running Identity Manager 4.8.x, or later. The driver version will be changed to after the patch is applied.
The driver upgrade process involves the following tasks:
Note: No new packages have been shipped as part of this release.
rpm -Uvh (patch-path)/linux/netiq-DXMLRESTDrv.rpm
The _db.* file is created during a non-root installation of the Identity Manager engine. Absence of this file might indicate that Identity Manager is not properly installed. Reinstall Identity Manager to correctly place the file in the directory.
ROOTDIR=<non-root eDirectory location>
This will set the environmental variables to the directory where Identity Vault is installed as a non-root user.
For example, to install the REST driver RPM, use this command:
rpm --dbpath $ROOTDIR/rpm -Uvh --relocate=/usr=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/etc=$ROOTDIR/etc --relocate=/opt/novell/eDirectory=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/opt/novell/dirxml=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/dirxml --relocate=/var=$ROOTDIR/var --badreloc --nodeps --replacefiles /home/user/netiq-DXMLRESTDrv.rpm
Security Fix
Issues Fixed in Release (