Azure Active Directory Driver Readme

The Azure Active Directory Driver also referred to as Azure AD Driver in this document, allows you to seamlessly provision and deprovision users, group memberships, exchange mailboxes, roles, and licenses to Azure AD cloud. You can also configure the driver to integrate with Identity Manager Service for Exchange Online (Identity Manager Exchange Service) for synchronizing Office 365 attributes.

This Readme comprises the following sections:


This update is applicable for an Identity Manager Driver for Office 365 and Azure Active Directory running Identity Manager 4.7.x and 4.8.x. The driver version will be changed to after the patch is applied.

System Requirements

Upgrading the Driver

The driver upgrade process involves the following tasks:

  • Upgrading the Driver Packages
  • Upgrading the Driver Files

  • Upgrading the Driver Packages

    1. Download the following packages:

      Name Package Name Version Build Date Build Number
      Azure AD Base Configuration MFAZUREBASE 1.0.3 20210225 161038
      MS Azure Default Configuration MFAZUREDCFG 1.1.2 20210212 172747

    2. Open the project containing the driver.

    3. Right-click the driver for which you want to upgrade an installed package, then click Driver > Properties.

    4. Click Packages.

      NOTE: A check mark indicates a newer version of a package in the Upgrades column.

    5. Click Select Operation for the package that indicates there is an upgrade available.

    6. From the drop-down list, click Upgrade.

    7. Select the version that you want to upgrade to, then click OK.

      NOTE: Designer lists all versions available for upgrade.

    8. Click Apply.

    9. (Conditional) Fill in the fields with appropriate information to upgrade the package, then click Next.

      Depending on which package you selected to upgrade, you must fill in the required information to upgrade the package.

    10. Read the summary of the packages that will be installed, then click Finish.

    11. Review the upgraded package, then click OK to close the Package Management page.

    Upgrading the Driver Files

    1. Take a back-up of the current driver configuration.

    2. (Conditional) If the driver is running locally, stop the driver instance and the Identity Vault.

    3. (Conditional) If the driver is running with a Remote Loader instance, stop the driver and the Remote Loader instance.

    4. Download and unzip the contents of the file to a temporary location on your computer.

    5. (Conditional) To upgrade the driver files:

    6. (Conditional) If the driver is running locally, start the Identity Vault and the driver instance.

    7. (Conditional) If the driver is running with a Remote Loader instance, start the Remote Loader instance and the driver instance.

    Technical Support Information

    Security Fix

    Issues Fixed in this Release

    Issues Fixed in Previous Release (5.1.3)

    Issues Fixed in Driver Version 5.1.2

    Issues Fixed in Driver Version 5.1.1