The following steps provide instructions for using iManager to add all of the predefined jobs (Driver Health, Password Expiration Notification, Random Password Generator, Schedule Driver, Subscriber Channel Trigger). For information about using Designer to add jobs, see Scheduling Jobs
in the NetIQ Designer for Identity Manager Administration Guide.
In iManager, click to display the Identity Manager Administration page.
Open the Overview page for the driver or driver set where you want to add the job:
In the Administration list, click Identity Manager Overview to display the Identity Manager Overview page.
In the Search in field, specify the fully distinguished name of the container where you want to start searching for driver sets and then click , or leave [root] in the field and click to search from the root of the tree.
You can also click to browse for and select the container in the tree structure, or click to select the container from a list of previously selected objects.
After the available driver sets are displayed on the Driver Sets page, click the desired driver set to display the Driver Set Overview page.
(Conditional) If you are adding the job to a driver, click the driver to display the Driver Overview page.
Click the Jobs tab.
Click New to display the Create Job page.
In the Job Name field, specify a descriptive name for the job.
Under Job Type, make sure that Installed is selected, then choose one of the following job types:
Driver Health (Driver Set): Evaluates the health conditions for a driver, assigns the health state, and carries out any actions associated with the health state.
Password Expiration Notification (Driver Set): Sends e-mail notifications to users whose passwords are about to expire.
Random Password Generator (Driver Only): Generates a random password for each object in the job’s scope. The password is generated by NMAS to match the Password Policy object that the job references. These Password Policy objects are not usually the same as those used for eDirectory user password policies.
The job submits the generated passwords one at a time to the driver’s Subscriber channel. The Subscriber channel policies must take action on the passwords.
Schedule Driver (Driver Only): Starts or stops the associated driver. You can also toggle a driver to start the driver if it is stopped or to stop the driver if it is running.
Subscriber Channel Trigger (Driver Only): Submits zero or more trigger documents to the Subscriber channel. The submission can either be a document per object if a scope is defined, or it can be a single trigger event if no scope is defined.
Trigger event documents identify the job and the scope object. A trigger event can bypass the cache and be processed immediately if desired. Trigger jobs allow you to use driver policies that you can customize for your personal requirements.
In the Server field, select the servers where you want to run the job.
Click OK to create the job and display its configuration properties.
To configure the job’s properties, continue with the instructions in the appropriate section: