7.0 Securing the Logging System

The Sentinel server and some of the Identity Manager components utilize embedded certificates generated by an internal Certificate Authority (CA). These SSL certificates ensure that communication between the Identity Manager instrumentation and the Sentinel server is secure.

To create a SSL certificate, perform the following actions:

  1. Download the public certificate in .der format from the Sentinel server.

    For example, if you are using Mozilla Firefox as your browser that already has a certificate, use the following procedure to download the certificate.

    1. Launch the Sentinel Server in your browser.

    2. Click Show site information > View Certificate.

    3. Go to Details tab and export the certificate in .der format.

  2. Add the certificate to the Java keystore.

    For example, use the following command:

    keytool -import -file PATH_OF_DERFile\PublicKeyCert.der -keystore KEYSTOERPATH\NAME.keystore -storepass keystorepass

The next step is to define which events to log. Proceed to Managing Identity Manager Events.