3.3 Gmail Settings Attributes

Several attributes are exposed for the Google Schema that update a user’s default email settings within a Google Domain. These attributes are not mapped to an eDirectory attribute but can be set on modify events.

NOTE:Due to limitations in the Gmail API and Directory API interactions, it is not possible to set these attributes during user creation. It is recommended that a delay of at least five seconds or more be used between the creation of a new user and any attempted setting of a Gmail Setting attribute.

The following sections provide information these attributes:

3.3.1 GmailSettingsDelegates

Use this attribute to add, remove, or list the assigned delegates to a user’s Gmail account. The attribute takes one of two forms: a string value which consists of the email address of the designated delegate or a distinguished name syntax with an association reference for the designated delegate for this user. The connector will take either form.

3.3.2 GmailSettingsEnableIMAP

Use this attribute to enable or disable the IMAP feature of a user’s account. The attribute takes two values: true or false.

This attribute does not support remove-value or remove-all-values as a user’s IMAP settings cannot be removed. Change the state of this setting with an add-value command.

3.3.3 GmailSettingsEnablePOP

Use this attribute to manage a user’s POP settings. This attribute takes a structured value with the following components:

  • EnableFor

    • Whether to enable POP for all mail, or mail from now on.

    • Enumerated

    • Required

    • Values:

      • ALL_MAIL


  • Action

    • What Google Mail should do with its copy of the email after it is retrieved using POP

    • Enumerated

    • Required

    • Values:

      • KEEP

      • ARCHIVE

      • DELETE

    • Enable

      • Whether to enable/disable POP access

      • Boolean

This attribute does not support remove-all-values and remove-value commands as POP settings cannot be removed from users. Send any changes as an add-value command.

3.3.4 GmailSettingsForwarding

Use this attribute to set and update a user’s auto-forwarding rule. The attribute takes a structured value with the following components:

  • Enable

    • Whether to enable forwarding of incoming mail

    • Boolean

  • ForwardAddress

    • The email address to which the email will be forwarded

    • This must be verified, which means it must satisfy one of these tests:

      • It belongs to the same domain

      • It belongs to a subdomain of the same domain

      • It belongs to a domain alias configured as part of the same G Suite account

  • Action

    • What Google Mail should do with its copy of the email after forwarding it on

    • Enumerated

    • Values

      • KEEP

        • Keep it in the inbox

      • ARCHIVE

        • Archive it

      • DELETE

        • Delete it

      • MARK_READ

        • Mark it as read

This attribute only supports add-value changes. Use an add-value command to update or disable auto-forward.

3.3.5 GmailSettingsLabel

This attribute can be used to list, add to, and remove from a user’s configured set of labels within Gmail. Note that the API only allows access to the user custom labels. The pre-defined system default labels cannot be manipulated with the API. The attribute accepts string syntax values representing the label to be created or removed. It supports add-value, remove-value, and remove-all-values commands.

3.3.6 GmailSettingsLanguage

This attribute can be used to change or display the language setting for a user’s Gmail account. Note that the values accepted and displayed by this API are strictly constrained by the API service to be in RFC 3066 language tag format.

See https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/

The attribute is string syntax containing the language tag desired. It only supports add-value commands.

3.3.7 GmailSettingsSendAs

This attribute can be used to display, set, and remove SendAs aliases. A SendAs alias is a configuration on a user’s account that allows them to send mail as another name and email address. Note that the collection of SendAs alias on any user account includes a system entry, the primary SendAs, which will be displayed when queried, but cannot be removed. The attribute is structured with the following components:

  • Name

    • The display name for the send as alias

  • SendAs

    • The email address used for the send as alias

  • ReplyTo

    • The reply-to address used for the send as alias

  • isDefault

    • Whether or not this alias is the default SendAs configuration for this user

    • Takes the value of either true or false

The attribute supports add-value, remove-value, and remove-all-values.

3.3.8 GmailSettingsSignature

This attribute can be used to display or change a user’s signature. The attribute takes a string value which is the signature for the user and applies it to their account.

3.3.9 Gmail Settings Attribute Syntax and Examples

Table 3-2 Gmail Settings Attribute Syntax and Examples

Application Attribute Name







This can be formatted as a distinguished name with an association-ref or as a plain string in the form of an email address of the delegate.

<modify-attr attr-name="GmailSettingsDelegates">
<value association-ref=user@mydomain.com" type="dn">/data/users/my-user</value>
 == OR ==
<modify-attr attr-name="GmailSettingsDelegates">
<value type="string">user@mydomain.com</value>








<modify-attr attr-name="GmailSettingsEnableIMAP">

              <value type="string">true</value>

Application Attribute Name







<modify-attr attr-name="GmailSettingsEnablePOP">
              <value type="structured">
<component name="EnableFor">ALL_MAIL</component>
<component name="Action">KEEP</component>
<component name="Enable">true</component>








<modify-attr attr-name="GmailSettingsForwarding">
             <value type="structured">
<component name="ForwardAddress">user@domain.com</component>
<component name="Action">KEEP</component>
<component name="Enable">true</component>




Application Attribute Name







<modify-attr attr-name="GmailSettingsLabel">
              <value type="string">MyProject</value>








<modify-attr attr-name="GmailSettingsLanguage">
              <value type="string">Eng</value>




Application Attribute Name







<modify-attr attr-name="GmailSettingsSendAs">
              <value type="structured">
<component name="Name">My Name</component>
<component name="SendAs">name@idmtest.org</component>
<component name="ReplyTo">name@idmtest.org</component>
<component name="IsDefault">true</component>








<modify-attr attr-name="GmailSettingsSignature">
              <value type="string">Signature Data</value>