
This patch is applicable for Active Directory drivers running on Identity Manager 4.6.x or Identity Manager 4.7.x. The driver version will be changed to after the HF is applied.

Supported Platforms System Requirements Upgrading the Driver

The driver upgrade process involves updating the driver files.

Updating the Driver Files
  1. Take a back-up of the current driver configuration.

  2. (Conditional) If the driver is running locally, stop the driver instance and the Identity Vault.

  3. (Conditional) If the driver is running with a Remote Loader instance, stop the driver and the Remote Loader instance.

  4. Download and unzip the contents of to IDM_ADDriver_4121.zip file to a temporary location on your server.

  5. Update the driver files:
  6. Navigate to the extracted <IDM_ADDriver_4121>\x64 folder and perform the following actions:

  7. If the server has password synchronization configured, copy the following files from the extracted <IDM_ADDriver_4121>\x64 folder:

    1. pwfilter.dll to the \Novell\IDM_PassSync\w64 folder.

    2. Restart the server.

  8. Update the Password Sync Filter.
  9. NOTE: You must reboot each Domain Controller for the changes to take effect.

    1. To update the Password Sync Filter files:

Technical Support Information

Issues Fixed in This Release

Issues Fixed in Previous Releases

Issues Fixed in Driver Version

Issues Fixed in Driver Version 4.0.3
Issues Fixed in Identity Manager 4.6