4.1 What’s New

4.1.1 What’s New in Version

This version of the driver does not provide any new features.

4.1.2 What’s New in Version 5.0.1

This version of the driver provides support for the following key features:

  • The driver supports exchange role entitlement in both cloud-only and hybrid mode. Exchange roles are Office 365 Admin roles. You can use this entitlement to add or remove members from these roles. To use this entitlement, you must add a new package, Azure AD Exchange Role Entitlement, to the driver.

    NOTE:Before using this entitlement, ensure that the Exchange service is running.

  • The driver supports group entitlement in hybrid mode. Azure Active Directory does not allow modifications on user and group objects that were synchronized from local Active Directory. The group entitlement support in hybrid mode enables you to manage membership for groups that are directly added in Azure AD cloud.