2.2 Installing the Driver and the Identity Manager Exchange Service

The driver installation program guides you through the driver and the Identity Manager Exchange Service installation.

  1. Download the NIdM_Driver_4.5_O365_AzureAD.zip file from the Download website.

  2. Unzip the file.

  3. Navigate to the installation folder and run the following depending on your platform:

    • Linux: install.bin

    • Windows: install.exe

  4. Click Next.

  5. On the Choose Install Set page, select the appropriate components based on your requirement:

    • All: Select this option to install the driver and the Identity Manager Exchange Service.

    • Identity Manager Driver for Microsoft Office 365 and Azure AD: Select this option to install the driver.

    • Identity Manager Service for Exchange Online: Select this option to install the Identity Manager Exchange Service.

  6. On the Identity Manager Service for Exchange Online page, fill in the following fields to install the Identity Manager Exchange Service and then click Next:

    • Install folder: Specify the path to install the Identity Manager Exchange Service.

    • Port: Specify the port for the Identity Manager Exchange Service to run.

    • Certificate Alias: Specify the alias for the server certificate. You must specify this value for Nickname while configuring SSL for this service. For more information see Step 1.

  7. On the Install the Driver page, select Identity Manager Server or Remote Loader, based on where you want to install the driver. If you select Remote Loader, you need to specify the path for Remote Loader installation.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Click Install.

    NOTE:By default, Identity Manager Exchange Service is stopped. For information about starting the service, see Verifying and Starting the Identity Manager Exchange Service.

  10. For driver installation, click Restart the Identity Manager Server and click Next.

    This step is not required for installing the Exchange service.

NetIQ recommends you to use TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols with the Identity Manager Exchange Service. If you are using ciphers and protocols such as RC4 and Triple DES, or SSLv2/v3 on a server running Identity Manager Exchange Service, you must disable them using the disableWeakCiphers.reg file provided in the Exchange Service installation directory. You can either execute the registry file or import the file into Windows Registry. After the changes are made, restart the server. For more information about restricting the use of certain cryptographic algorithms and protocols on Windows servers, see Microsoft Support Site.