5.2 What’s New

5.2.1 What’s New in Version

This version of the driver adds support for Windows Server 2019 (64-bit) as a connected system. The version of Remote Loader must be 4.6.4 or 4.7.2.

5.2.2 What’s New in Version

This version of the driver provides support for configuring Suite B communication between the Remote Loader and the Identity Manager engine. For more information, see Authentication. For more information about Suite B, see Suite B Cryptography.

For using stronger ciphers as recommended by Suite B specification, the driver uses AES 256-bit encryption algorithm to encrypt the new passwords. Passwords that are already in the registry are not re-encrypted with stronger ciphers because they are cleaned up when the event is processed. However, when new passwords are stored in the registry, they are encrypted with AES 256-bit keys.