7.6 Silently Installing Identity Reporting

A silent (non-interactive) installation does not display a user interface or any questions. Instead, the system uses information from a silent properties file. Identity Reporting and Identity Governance use the same installer to install these separate components. To silently install Identity Reporting you use the identity-governance-install-silent.properties file.

If you are installing Identity Reporting on a server without Identity Governance installed on it, we recommend that you perform a guided installation or console install of Identity Reporting and generate a response file. The response file contains the properties with values for your environment that you add to the identity-governance-install-silent.properties file.

NOTE:If you are deploying on Windows, ensure that you escape the backslashes '\' or the silent properties files does not work.

The steps to populate the identity-governance-install-silent.properties file and run it are the same whether you are installing Identity Reporting on a separate server or with Identity Governance. Follow the steps for silently installing Identity Governance to silently install Identity Reporting. For more information, see Section 6.6, Silently Installing Identity Governance and Identity Reporting.