17.2 Creating and Editing Certification Policies

NOTE:Reviews should be defined before creating a certification policy. For information about review definitions, see Section 10.0, Creating and Modifying Review Definitions.

After creating review definitions, create certification policies that Identity Governance can use to alert you of possible compliance violations. When a review has been completed, you can view the list of violations.

  1. Log in as a Global Administrator, Review Administrator, or a Data Administrator.

  2. Under Policy, select Certification.

  3. Select + to create a certification policy.

  4. Specify the name of the certification policy, validity period in days, months, or year, and single or multiple review definitions.

    NOTE:Policy names must be unique. When Identity Governance checks for uniqueness, case is not considered. Therefore, Identity Governance considers Hippa and HIPPA to be equivalent.

    HINT:Click the search icon to select single or multiple review definitions. You can also enter wildcard * to search for reviews, or just start typing the review name to view suggestions.

  5. (Optional) Set risk.

  6. (Optional) Specify policy administrator.

    NOTE:Policy administrator role will be functional in a future release of Identity Governance. Currently, global, review, or data administrator can function as a policy administrator.

  7. Save your settings.

  8. Under Policy, select Certification to view the newly created policy listed with number of violations.

  9. (Optional) Select Set Remediation to select remediation action. For more information about setting remediation, see Remediating Certification Policy Violations.

  10. (Optional) Select the policy, then select Edit to edit the policy.

  11. (Optional) Select a specific policy or multiple policies, then select Actions > Delete to delete policies.