3.4 Upgrading the OSP Container

Perform the following steps to upgrade the OSP container:

  1. Download and load the latest version of the OSP image from the Software License and Download.

    For example,

    docker load --input osp.tar.gz
  2. Once the latest OSP image is loaded, stop your current OSP container using the following command:

    docker stop <OSP container name>
  3. (Optional) Take the backup of the shared volume.

  4. Delete the existing OSP container by running the following command:

    docker rm <OSP container name>

    For example,

    docker rm OSP_Container
  5. Go to the directory that contains keystore (tomcat.ks) and silent properties file, delete the existing keystore (tomcat.ks) and retain the existing OSP folder. Generate a new keystore (tomcat.ks) with key size as 2048. For more information, see Step 4 in the Deploying the OSP Container.

  6. Deploy the container using the following command:

    docker run -d --name OSP_Container --network=host -e SILENT_INSTALL_FILE=/config/osp-edirapi-silent.properties -v /data:/config osp:<version>

    For example,

    docker run -d --name OSP_Container --network=host -e SILENT_INSTALL_FILE=/config/osp-edirapi-silent.properties -v /data:/config osp:6.6.6