When a new version of Identity Console Image is available, the administrator can perform an upgrade procedure to deploy container with the latest version of Identity Console. Ensure to store all necessary application related data persistently in Docker volumes before performing an upgrade. Perform the following steps to upgrade Identity Console using Docker Container:
Download and load the latest version of the Docker image from the Software License and Download and perform the steps to install the latest version Identity Console as mentioned in Deploying Identity Console.
Once the latest Docker image is loaded, stop your current Docker Container using the following command:
docker stop identityconsole-container-name
docker stop identityconsole-container-1
Delete the existing Identity Console container by running the following command:
docker rm identityconsole-container-name
For example,
docker rm identityconsole-container-1
(Optional) Delete the obsolete Identity Console Docker image by running the following command:
docker rmi identityconsole-image
docker rmi identityconsole:
The image has to be loaded into the local Docker registry. Extract and load the IdentityConsole_<version>_Containers.tar.gz file using the below commands:
tar -xvf IdentityConsole_version_Containers.tar.gz
docker load --input identityconsole.tar.gz
Create the Identity Console Docker Container using the following command:
docker create --name identityconsole-container-name --env ACCEPT_EULA=Y --network=network-type --volume volume-name:/config/ identityconsole:version
For example:
docker create --name identityconsole-container-2 --env ACCEPT_EULA=Y --network=host --volume IDConsole-volume:/config/ identityconsole:
You can accept the EULA by setting ACCEPT_EULA environment variable to 'Y'. You can also accept the EULA from the on-screen prompt while starting the container by using -it option in the Docker create command for interactive mode.
--volume parameter in the above command will create a volume for storing configuration and log data. In this case, we have created a sample volume called IDConsole-volume.
Copy the configuration file (edirapi.conf) from your local file system to the newly created container as /etc/opt/novell/eDirAPI/conf/edirapi.conf using the following command:
docker cp absolute path of configuration file identityconsole-container-name:/etc/opt/novell/eDirAPI/conf/edirapi.conf
For example,
docker cp /home/user/edirapi.conf identityconsole-container-2:/etc/opt/novell/eDirAPI/conf/edirapi.conf
A sample configuration file is shown below:
listen = ":9000" pfxpassword = "novell" bcert = "/etc/opt/novell/eDirAPI/cert/" ospmode=false edir-hosts = "<ip_address-1>:636,<ip_address-2>:636"
While upgrading to Identity Console 1.7.2 and above, it is required to add eDirectory server IP to edirapi.conf file before copying it to the container.
If you want Identity Console to connect to multiple eDirectory trees, enter their IP addresses or domain names separated by commas
Start the second container using the following command:
docker start identityconsole-container-name
docker start identityconsole-container-2
To check status of the running container, run the following command:
docker ps -a