To access the server-based Identity Console, perform the following steps:
Enter the following in the address (URL) field of a supported web browser.
Secure login: https://<server-ip-address/hostname>:<port>/identityconsole/
In the examples, the IP address in <server-ip-address> should be IPv4. The default port to use is 9000.
Login using your user dn and password.
Specify the eDirectory tree IP or DNS with or without ldap secure port.
Refreshing any tab in Identity Console will logout the user for security reasons. If you want to change the browser refresh settings see: Configure Browser Refresh.
Opening duplicate Identity Console tabs in browser will logout the user for security reasons.
The dn should be specified in cn=admin,ou=sa,o=system format.
When eDirectory is configured with non default port, you must specify the port number.