9.1 CDA Scenario and Examples

The following scenario clarifies how CDA works:

These accelerators are CDA-enabled and their authentication methods are as follows:

www.l.com — LDAP authentication

www.c.com — Certificate (Mutual) authentication

www.lc.com — Certificate (Mutual) and LDAP authentication

Single Sign-on Example (same grade with same authentication methods): If the authentication methods of all accelerators are the same (for example, all LDAP/certificate, or all certificate and LDAP), after your user logs in to a domain, he or she can access any other domains without logging in to them.

Graded Authentication Example 1 (from grade high to low): If your user accesses www.lc.com first, he or she is asked to log in twice, once for certificate and again for LDAP. After the user accesses www.lc.com, he or she can access www.l.com (or www.c.com) without any login.

Graded Authentication Example 2 (from grade low to high): If a user accesses www.l.com (or www.c.com) first, he or she is asked to log in using LDAP (or certificate). If the user wants to access www.lc.com, he or she is asked to log in using a certificate.

Graded Authentication Example 3 (same grade but with different authentication methods): If a user accesses www.l.com first and then later accesses www.c.com, he or she is asked to log in twice; once for www.l.com with LDAP and again for www.c.com with certificate (then the user can access www.lc.com without logging in).