15.8 Restoring a Certificate

Only certificates that were previously backed up can be restored.

Prior to completing the following steps, make sure the backup file is in one of the following locations:

  1. In the browser-based management tool, click Home > Certificate Maintenance > Restore.

  2. In the Restore Certificate dialog box, type the certificate name, which is the PFX filename.

  3. Type the same password you used when creating the backup file.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Click Disk or Floppy to indicate where the backup file is.

  6. Click OK.

    The Action field should display red arrows and either Restore (Disk) or Restore (Floppy) on a green background. The Status field should display Building.

    If you want to cancel the restore action, click Cancel Restore by the Action field.

  7. Click Apply.

    If any errors occur during the restore process, they are displayed on the Error line and the background for the text will turn red.

    The only way to fix a restore error is to delete the certificate and try the restore process again.

    A restoration failure might mean that the backup file didn’t exist or you had the wrong password.