15.7 Backing Up a Certificate

Only active certificates can be backed up.

  1. In the browser-based management click Home > Certificate Maintenance > the certificate you want to back up.

  2. Click Backup.

  3. In the Backup Certificate dialog box, type a password to use when restoring the certificate.

  4. In the Confirm Password field, retype the same password.

    IMPORTANT:Although the password is optional, we strongly suggest you use one. If you don’t enter a password, the backed-up certificate can be used by anyone who has access to the file.

  5. Select either Disk (hard drive) or Floppy to indicate where the backup file should be placed.

    If you select Floppy, the backup file is saved to the floppy drive of the iChain server.

  6. Click OK.

    The Action field should display red arrows and either Backup (Disk) or Backup (Floppy) on a green background.

    If you want to cancel the backup action, click Cancel Backup.

  7. If the Action field is green, click Apply.

The Backed Up status field for each certificate indicates whether a certificate has been backed up and where the backup file was placed (disk, floppy, or both).

If any errors occur during the backup process, they are displayed on the Error line and the background turns red. You can then click Backup and repeat the process, taking care to avoid the errors indicated.

Backed-up certificates are stored in a file named certificate.pfx, where certificate is the name of the certificate that was backed up. (If you save to a floppy, the name is limited to 8 characters.)

IMPORTANT:If the certificate was backed up to the appliance hard disk, you should transfer the file from the appliance to another secure location, or the backup copy will be lost if the appliance fails and must be reimaged.

Certificate backup files are stored in sys:\etc/proxy/appliance/config/user/cert/backup. See Using FTP for help using appliance FTP services.

If the certificate was backed up to a floppy disk, the file is in the root directory of the disk and the floppy should be stored in a safe place in case the certificate must be restored.