A.8 Domain Operations

The following sections provide the scriptable operations that can be carried out on the domain object.

A.8.1 Create Offline Policy Container Hierarchy

Run the NQCreateOfflinePolicyContainerHierarchy.exe file to create a temporary copy of the settings information of all GPOs in the GP Repository. GPA automatically creates the offline policy container hierarchy when you add domains to the GP Repository. This only works for domains that have a trust relationship with the repository member domain.

To run the NQCreateOfflinePolicyContainerHierarchy.exe file, you should have Domain Admin permissions in the domain for which you want to create the offline policy container hierarchy.

The NQCreateOfflinePolicyContainerHierarchy.exe file displays a status report in the command prompt window as it runs. After execution, the NQCreateOfflinePolicyContainerHierarchy.exe file creates a log that lists the domains it successfully recreated and those domains it failed to recreate. The log displays the “ATTENTION REQUIRED” text next to the domain name of any domain the tool failed to recreate.


NQCreateOfflinePolicyContainerHierarchy /D:Domain_DNS_Name 
/S:Repository_Server /DB:DatabaseName


The following table describes the command-line parameters and variables.

Variable Name

Replace With

/D: Domain_DNS_Name

DNS name of the evaluation domain, such as abc.xyz. If you specify the domain name, then GPA creates the offline policy container hierarchy for only that domain. If you do not specify the domain name, then GPA creates an offline policy container hierarchy for each domain in the GP Repository (optional).

/S: Repository_Server

Name of the Microsoft SQL Server where you have installed the GP Repository. The default value, period (.), indicates the local Microsoft SQL Server.

/DB: DatabaseName

Name of the GP Repository database. The default value of the GP Repository database name is GPO_REPOSITORY. If the database name is different, specify the correct database name (optional, if you specify the domain name).


Command-line Help for the tool.

Sample Code

NQCreateOfflinePolicyContainerHierarchy /D:ABC.com /S:ABCSQLServer /DB:ABCDatabaseName

A.8.2 Create Category

Create a new category.

Syntax (Visual Basic Script)

DomainObject.CreateCategory "CategoryName"

Sample Code (Visual Basic Script)

The following code creates a domain‑level category in the GP Repository.

Dim oGPRroot, oCategory, oDomain
Set oGPRroot = Wscript.CreateObject("faGPRRoot.faGPRRoot")
oGPRroot.ConnectTo("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER="<SQL Server Instance Name>";Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=GPO_REPOSITORY;")
Set oDomain = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=NetIQLabs,DC=com")
oDomain.CreateCategory "Software Policies"

Syntax (C# Method)


Sample Code (C# Method)

The following code creates a domain‑level category in the GP Repository.

public static void CreateCategory()
            IfaGPRRoot oGPRroot = new faGPRRoot();
            oGPRroot.ConnectTo("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=GPO_REPOSITORY;Data Source=GPA_SERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GPA_SERVER;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False");
            IfaGPRDomain oDomain = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB");
            Console.WriteLine("Category created");

A.8.3 Delete Domain

Delete a domain from GP Repository. This operation would delete all GPOs under various categories and subcategories in the domain. This operation requires all GPOs in the domain to be checked in.

Syntax (Visual Basic Script)


Sample Code (Visual Basic Script)

The following code deletes a domain from the GP Repository.

Dim oGPRroot, oCategory, oDomain
Set oGPRroot = Wscript.CreateObject("faGPRRoot.faGPRRoot")
oGPRroot.ConnectTo("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER="<SQL Server Instance Name>";Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=GPO_REPOSITORY;")
Set oDomain = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=NetIQLabs,DC=com")

Syntax (C# Method)


Sample Code (C# Method)

The following code deletes a domain from the GP Repository.

public static void DeleteDomain()
            string sDomainSource = "FAGPR://DC=MYTARGETDOMAIN,DC=LAB";
            IfaGPRRoot oGPRroot = new faGPRRoot();
            oGPRroot.ConnectTo("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=GPO_REPOSITORY;Data Source=GPA_SERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GPA_SERVER;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False");
            IfaGPRDomain2 oDomain = oGPRroot.GetObject(sDomainSource);
            Console.WriteLine("Domain deleted");

A.8.5 Enumerate Categories

Enumerate the categories under a node for a domain.

Syntax (Visual Basic Script)

For Each "Category" in "Domain"
     [. . . perform operations . . .]

Sample Code (Visual Basic Script)

The following code prints all domain‑level category names for all existing domains in the GP Repository.

Dim oGPRroot, oCategory, oDomain
Set oGPRroot = Wscript.CreateObject("faGPRRoot.faGPRRoot")
oGPRroot.ConnectTo("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER="<SQL Server Instance Name>";Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=GPO_REPOSITORY;")
For Each oDomain in oGPRroot
     Wscript.Echo oDomain.Name
     For Each oCategory in oDomain

Syntax (C# Method)

foreach (Category in Domain)
[. . . perform operations . . .]

Sample Code (C# Method)

The following code prints all domain‑level category names for all existing domains in the GP Repository.

public static void EnumerateCategories()
            string sDomainSource = "FAGPR://DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB";
            IfaGPRRoot oGPRroot = new faGPRRoot();
            oGPRroot.ConnectTo("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=GPO_REPOSITORY;Data Source=GPA_SERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GPA_SERVER;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False");
            IfaGPRDomain2 oDomain = oGPRroot.GetObject(sDomainSource);
            object[] obj = oDomain.EnumerateADLinks();
            foreach (IfaGPRDomain gprDomain in oGPRroot)
                foreach (IfaGPRCategory gprCategory in gprDomain)

A.8.6 Enumerate GPO Map

Enumerates the GPOs in the domain map.

Syntax (Visual Basic Script)

ArrayOfGPOCNStrings = 

Sample Code (Visual Basic Script)

The following code enumerates the GPOs in the domain map.

Dim oGPRroot, oDomainSource, oDomainTarget, aGPOs, strGPO
Set oGPRroot = Wscript.CreateObject("faGPRRoot.faGPRRoot")
oGPRroot.ConnectTo("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER="<SQL Server Instance Name>";Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=GPO_REPOSITORY;")
Set oDomainSource = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=NetIQLabs,DC=com")
Set oDomainTarget = 
aGPOs = oDomainTarget.EnumerateGPOMap(oDomainSource)
For each strGPO in aGPOs

Syntax (C# Method)

ObjectArrayOfGPOCN =

Sample Code (C# Method)

The following code enumerates the GPOs in the domain map.

public static void EnumerateGPOMap()
            string sDomainSource = "FAGPR://DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB";
            string sDomainTarget = "FAGPR://DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB";
            IfaGPRRoot oGPRroot = new faGPRRoot();
            oGPRroot.ConnectTo("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=GPO_REPOSITORY;Data Source=GPA_SERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GPA_SERVER;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False");
            IfaGPRDomain2 oDomain = oGPRroot.GetObject(sDomainSource);
            IfaGPRDomain2 otarget = oGPRroot.GetObject(sDomainTarget);
            object[] obj = otarget.EnumerateGPOMap(oDomain);
            foreach (object gprDomain in obj)

A.8.7 Enumerate Users

Enumerates the accounts in the domain map.

Syntax (Visual Basic Script)

arrayOfUserStrings = Domain.EnumerateUsers()

Sample Code (Visual Basic Script)

The following code allows you to enumerate the accounts in the domain map.

Dim oGPRroot, oDomain
Dim aUsers
Dim strUser
Set oGPRroot = Wscript.CreateObject("faGPRRoot.faGPRRoot")
oGPRroot.ConnectTo("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER="<SQL Server Instance Name>";Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=GPO_REPOSITORY;")
Set oDomain = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=NetIQLabs,DC=coml")
aUsers = oDomain.EnumerateUsers()
For each strUser in aUsers
     wscript.echo strUser

Syntax (C# Method)

ObjectArrayOfUsers = Domain.EnumerateUsers()

Sample Code (C# Method)

The following code allows you to enumerate the accounts in the domain map.

public static void EnumerateUsers()
            string sDomainSource = "FAGPR://DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB";
            IfaGPRRoot oGPRroot = new faGPRRoot();
            oGPRroot.ConnectTo("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=GPO_REPOSITORY;Data Source=GPA_SERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GPA_SERVER;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False");
            IfaGPRDomain2 oDomain = oGPRroot.GetObject(sDomainSource);
            object[] obj = oDomain.EnumerateUsers();
            foreach (object ob in obj)

A.8.9 Get Mapped GPO

Retrieves GPO mapping information from the domain map.

Syntax (Visual Basic Script)

GPOCNString = 

Sample Code (Visual Basic Script)

The following code retrieves GPO mapping information from the domain map.

Dim oGPRroot, oDomainSource, oDomainTarget, aGPOs, strGPO,
Set oGPRroot = Wscript.CreateObject("faGPRRoot.faGPRRoot")
oGPRroot.ConnectTo("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER="<SQL Server Instance Name>";Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=GPO_REPOSITORY;")
Set oDomainSource = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=NetIQLabs,DC=com")
Set oDomainTarget = 
aGPOs = oDomainTarget.EnumerateGPOMap(oDomainSource)
For each strGPO in aGPOs
     strMappedGpo = 
     wscript.echo strGPO & " --> " & 

Syntax (C# Method)

GPOCNString = TargetDomainObject.GetMappedGPO(SourceDomainObject, "SourceGPO_CN_NAME")

Sample Code (C# Method)

The following code retrieves GPO mapping information from the domain map.

public static void GetMappedGPO()
            string sDomainSource = "FAGPR://DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB";
            IfaGPRRoot oGPRroot = new faGPRRoot();
            oGPRroot.ConnectTo("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=GPO_REPOSITORY;Data Source=GPA_SERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GPA_SERVER;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False");
            IfaGPRDomain2 oDomainsource = oGPRroot.GetObject(sDomainSource);
            IfaGPRDomain2 oDomaintarget = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=MYTARGETDOMAIN,DC=LAB");
            object[] aGPOs = oDomaintarget.EnumerateGPOMap(oDomainsource);
            foreach (object ob in aGPOs)
                if (oDomaintarget.GetMappedGPO(oDomainsource, ob.ToString()) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine(ob.ToString() + " --- >" + oDomaintarget.GetMappedGPO(oDomainsource, ob.ToString()));
                    Console.WriteLine(ob.ToString() + " --- >  GPO is not mapped in the Target Domain");

A.8.10 Get Mapped User

Returns the domain mapping for a specified account and domain.

Syntax (Visual Basic Script)

MappedUserString = 

Sample Code (Visual Basic Script)

The following code allows you to enumerate the accounts in the domain map with the corresponding mapping account for the specified domain.

Dim oGPRroot, oDomainSource, oDomainTarget
Set oGPRroot = Wscript.CreateObject("faGPRRoot.faGPRRoot")
oGPRroot.ConnectTo("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER="<SQL Server Instance Name>";Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=GPO_REPOSITORY;")
Set oDomainSource = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=NetIQLabs,DC=com")
Set oDomainTarget = 
aUsers = oDomainSource.EnumerateUsers()
For each strUser in aUsers
     strMappedUser = 
     wscript.echo strUser & " --> " & 

Syntax (C# Method)

MappedUserString = TargetDomainObject.GetMappedUser(SourceDomainObject, "Source_UserName")

Sample Code (C# Method)

The following code allows you to enumerate the accounts in the domain map with the corresponding mapping account for the specified domain.

public static void GetMappedUser()
            IfaGPRRoot oGPRroot = new faGPRRoot();
            oGPRroot.ConnectTo("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=GPO_REPOSITORY;Data Source=GPA_SERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GPA_SERVER;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False");
            IfaGPRDomain2 oDomainsource = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB");
            IfaGPRDomain2 oDomaintarget = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=MYTARGETDOMAIN,DC=LAB");
            object[] aUsers = oDomainsource.EnumerateUsers();
            foreach (object ob in aUsers)
                Console.WriteLine(ob.ToString() + " --- >" + oDomaintarget.GetMappedUser(oDomainsource, ob.ToString()));

A.8.11 Offline Mirror

The Offline Mirror process imports GPOs from an Active Directory domain into the GP Repository and synchronizes link order based on AD or the GP Repository, also called creating an offline mirror. The command-line interface uses a template you save using the Offline Mirror wizard that defines the options on AD containers to process. This only works for domains that have a trust relationship with the repository member domain.

You can use the Offline Mirror command-line tool, located in the \Bin folder under the product installation path, to configure the update process to run during off‑peak hours using a Microsoft Windows scheduled task.

NOTE:If you are running GPA on a 64‑bit platform, you need to run the Offline Mirror tool using a 32‑bit command prompt window. On a 64‑bit computer, you can access the 32‑bit command prompt window from the %WINDIR%\SysWOW64 folder.

You can also create an offline mirror from the GPA Console using the Offline Mirror wizard by selecting a GP Repository domain and clicking Run Offline Mirror from the Action menu. For more information, see Section 5.4.2, Importing All GPOs Linked to Any AD Container in an AD Domain (Creating an Offline Mirror).


C:\Program Files\NetIQ\Group Policy Administrator\Bin\"NetIQ GPA Offline Mirror.exe"



The following table describes the command‑line parameters and variables.

Variable name

Replace with


Specifies the path to the .xml offline mirror template file, which loads and runs the offline mirror import and sync link order processes from the command-line window. Use quotation marks if the path or file name includes spaces.

/? or /h

Displays command-line help for this tool.

NOTE:When you do not specify any parameters, the tool opens and runs the Offline Mirror wizard and closes the command prompt window.

Sample Code

"NetIQ GPA Offline Mirror Wizard.exe"/F:"%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Offline Mirror Input.xml"

Offline Mirror Status Report

The Offline Mirror tool displays a status report in the command prompt window as it runs, similar to the following example. All of the information in the command line window is also written to a log found in the %appdata% path of the user running the tool. The import process may take some time for domains with a large number of OUs and GPOs.

NetIQ GPA Offline Mirror
(c) 2011 NetIQ Corporation.
File Path:C:\Users\Administrator.GPDOM300\Desktop\OMW Sample Import.xml
Offline mirror process started
Import in progress...
Percentage Completed:0
Import started  for container:: LDAP://HOUDVGP106V.GPDOM300.lab/DC=GPDOM300,DC=lab
Importing GPO: Default Domain Policy
GPO Default Domain Policy exists in the GP Repository.
The version of GPO Default Domain Policy in AD is newer than the version in the GP Repository.
GPO imported successfully: Default Domain Policy
Import Completed for container:: LDAP://HOUDVGP106V.GPDOM300.lab/DC=GPDOM300,DC=lab
Percentage Completed:100
Import operation completed for SyncID: 62a2066e-c3ca-43cd-af35-16ae7edb20f3
Completed successfully without any errors and total AD objects synced: 1

A.8.12 Read Domain Name

Read the Name property of a domain.

Syntax (Visual Basic Script)


Sample Code (Visual Basic Script)

The following code allows you to print all domain names in the GP Repository.

Dim oGPRroot, oDomain
Set oGPRroot = Wscript.CreateObject("faGPRRoot.faGPRRoot")
oGPRroot.ConnectTo("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER="<SQL Server Instance Name>";Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=GPO_REPOSITORY;")
For Each oDomain in oGPRroot
     Wscript.Echo oDomain.Name

Syntax (C# Method)


Sample Code (C# Method)

The following code allows you to print all domain names in the GP Repository.

public static void ReadDomainName()
            IfaGPRRoot oGPRroot = new faGPRRoot();
            oGPRroot.ConnectTo("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=GPO_REPOSITORY;Data Source=GPA_SERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GPA_SERVER;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False");
            foreach (IfaGPRDomain gprDomain in oGPRroot)

A.8.15 Set Default User Map

Updates the target domain map for the source domain (the map to target domain from source domain). For each user in the source domain's map, this operation adds a map entry from the source account to the target account with the same account name (if any).

Syntax (Visual Basic Script)

TargetDomainObject.SetDefaultUserMap SourceDomainObject

Sample Code (Visual Basic Script)

The following code allows you to map each user account from the source domain, Org1.com, to the corresponding target account with the same name in Test.Org1.com.

Dim oGPRroot, oDomainSource, oDomainTarget
Set oGPRroot = Wscript.CreateObject("faGPRRoot.faGPRRoot")
oGPRroot.ConnectTo("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER="<SQL Server Instance Name>";Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=GPO_REPOSITORY;")
Set oDomainSource = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=Org1,DC=com")
Set oDomainTarget = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=Test,DC=Org1,DC=com")
oDomainTarget.SetDefaultUserMap oDomainSource

Syntax (C# Method)


Sample Code (C# Method)

The following code allows you to map each user account from the source domain, MyDomain.Lab, to the corresponding target account with the same name and path in MyTargetDomain.Lab.

public static void SetDefaultUserMap()
            string sDomainSource = "FAGPR://DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB";
            string sDomainTarget = "FAGPR://DC=MYTARGETDOMAIN,DC=LAB";
            IfaGPRRoot oGPRroot = new faGPRRoot();
            oGPRroot.ConnectTo("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=GPO_REPOSITORY;Data Source=GPA_SERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GPA_SERVER;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False");
            IfaGPRDomain2 oDomainSrc = oGPRroot.GetObject(sDomainSource);
            IfaGPRDomain2 oDomainTgt = oGPRroot.GetObject(sDomainTarget);
            Console.WriteLine("Default User Map successful");

A.8.16 Set Domain Controller

Set domain controller context. This DC would be the one used for subsequent Active Directory Operations, such as exporting a GPO. It is not a mandatory command. If not specified, the system selects any available domain controller. You must run the Set Domain Controller script as a local administrator.

Syntax (Visual Basic Script)

RootObject.SelectDomainDC "DomainName", "DCName"

Sample Code (Visual Basic Script)

The following code sets a domain controller context.

Dim oGPRroot, oCategory
Set oGPRroot = Wscript.CreateObject("faGPRRoot.faGPRRoot")
oGPRroot.ConnectTo("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER="<SQL Server Instance Name>";Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=GPO_REPOSITORY;")
oGPRroot.SelectDomainDC "RootDev2.Com","root2-ad-01.rootdev2.com"

Syntax (C# Method)

RootObject.SelectDomainDC("DomainName", "DCName")

Sample Code (C# Method)

The following code sets a domain controller context.

public static void SetDomainController()
            string sDomainSource = "MYDOMAIN.LAB";
            string sDomainController = "MYDOMAINCONTROLLER.MYDOMAIN.LAB";
            IfaGPRRoot oGPRroot = new faGPRRoot();
            oGPRroot.ConnectTo("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=GPO_REPOSITORY;Data Source=GPA_SERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GPA_SERVER;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False");
            oGPRroot.SelectDomainDC(sDomainSource, sDomainController);
            Console.WriteLine("Domain Controller was set correctly");

A.8.17 Set GPO Map

Sets mapping information for GPOs in the domain map. When you migrate GPOs from one domain to another domain, this method allows you map the source GPOs in one domain to the target GPOs in another domain.

Syntax (Visual Basic Script)

TargetDomainObject.SetGPOMap SourceDomainObject, "Source_GPO_CN",

Sample Code (Visual Basic Script)

The following code sets mapping information for GPOs in the domain map.

Dim oGPRroot, oDomainSource, oDomainTarget
Set oGPRroot = WscriDRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER="<SQL Server Instance Name>";Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=GPO_REPOSITORY;")
Set oDomainSource = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=NetIQLabs,DC=com")
Set oDomainTarget = 
oDomainTarget.SetGPOMap oDomainSource, "{6E936ED3-00C8-4FE7-95A1-
803874AB7EA0}", "{8435AE6D-DED3-470C-B57C-66BB80B7DA8B}"

Syntax (C# Method)

TargetDomainObject.SetGPOMap(SourceDomainObject, "Source_GPO_CN", "Target_GPO_CN")

Sample Code (C# Method)

The following code sets mapping information for GPOs in the domain map.

public static void SetGPOMap()
            string sDomainSource = "FAGPR://DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB";
            string sDomainTarget = "FAGPR://DC=MYTARGETDOMAIN,DC=LAB";
            IfaGPRRoot oGPRroot = new faGPRRoot();
            oGPRroot.ConnectTo("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=GPO_REPOSITORY;Data Source=GPA_SERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GPA_SERVER;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False");
            IfaGPRDomain2 oDomainSrc = oGPRroot.GetObject(sDomainSource);
            IfaGPRDomain2 oDomainTgt = oGPRroot.GetObject(sDomainTarget);
            oDomainTgt.SetGPOMap(oDomainSrc, "{C104C9C7-9355-4FEC-8824-22D7BF4797A9}", "{A71A3C86-53FD-43B3-AAB1-DC163CBC3EC9}");
            Console.WriteLine("GPO was mapped successfully");

A.8.18 Set User Map

Adds an entry to the domain map.

Syntax (Visual Basic Script)

TargetDomainObject.SetUserMap sourceDomainObject, "Source_Username", "Target_Username"

Sample Code (Visual Basic Script)

The following code allows you to map a user account from the source domain to a target account in the target domain.

Dim oGPRroot, oDomainSource, oDomainTarget
Set oGPRroot = Wscript.CreateObject("faGPRRoot.faGPRRoot")
oGPRroot.ConnectTo("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER="<SQL Server Instance Name>";Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=GPO_REPOSITORY;")
Set oDomainSource = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=NetIQLabs,DC=com")
Set oDomainTarget = 
oDomainTarget.SetUserMap oDomainSource ,"JSmith" ,"SmithJ"

Syntax (C# Method)

TargetDomainObject.SetUserMap(sourceDomainObject, "Source_Username",

Sample Code (C# Method)

The following code allows you to map a user account from the source domain to a target account in the target domain.

public static void SetUserMap()
            string sDomainSource = "FAGPR://DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB";
            string sDomainTarget = "FAGPR://DC=MYTARGETDOMAIN,DC=LAB";
            IfaGPRRoot oGPRroot = new faGPRRoot();
            oGPRroot.ConnectTo("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=GPO_REPOSITORY;Data Source=GPA_SERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GPA_SERVER;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False");
            IfaGPRDomain2 oDomainSrc = oGPRroot.GetObject(sDomainSource);
            IfaGPRDomain2 oDomainTgt = oGPRroot.GetObject(sDomainTarget);
            oDomainTgt.SetUserMap(oDomainSrc, "MYDOMAIN-LAB\JSmith", "MYTARGETDOMAIN-LAB\SmithJ");
            Console.WriteLine("User account mapped successfully");

A.8.19 Merge GPOs

Merges the settings from two GPOs into a new GPO in the same domain.

Syntax (Visual Basic Script)

DomainObject.MergeGpos SourceGPOs, TargetFAGPRPath, "TargetGPOName", DeleteSourceGPOsFlag

Sample Code (Visual Basic Script)

The following sample merges two GPOs and creates a new GPO in the specified category without deleting the source GPOs.

Dim arrSourceGpos, targetGPRPath, targetGPOName, oGPRroot, oDomain
arrSourceGpos = Array("FAGPR://CN={9FCE1105-3661-404A-BB6D-0EAA8049BC93},CN=MYCAT,DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB","FAGPR://CN={57DCB21E-30D0-4229-97B4-69F3B30E01BB},CN=MYCAT,DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB")
targetGPOName = "MergedGPO"
Set oGPRroot = Wscript.CreateObject("faGPRRoot.faGPRRoot")
oGPRroot.ConnectTo("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=GPO_REPOSITORY;Data Source=SQLSERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GPACONSOLE;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False")
Set oDomain = oGPRroot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB")
Wscript.Echo "Ready to Merge GPOs"
oDomain.MergeGpos arrSourceGpos, targetGPRPath, targetGPOName, false
Wscript.Echo "Merge Successful"

Syntax (C# Method)

DomainObject.MergeGpos(SourceGPOs, TargetFAGPRPath, TargetGPOName, DeleteSourceGPOsFlag)

Sample Code (C# Method)

The following sample merges two GPOs and creates a new GPO in the specified category.

public static void MergeGPOs ()
IfaGPRRoot GprRoot = new faGPRRoot();
GprRoot.ConnectTo("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=GPO_REPOSITORY;Data Source=SQLSERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GPACONSOLE;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False");
IfaGPRDomain3 GprDomain = GprRoot.GetObject("FAGPR://DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB");
      List<string> sourceGpos = new List<string>();
string targetGPRPath = "FAGPR://CN=MYCAT, DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=LAB";
      string targetGPOName = "MergedGPO";
List<string> sourceGposToDelete = new List<string>();
     Console.WriteLine("Ready to Merge GPOs");
     GprDomain.MergeGpos(sourceGpos, targetGPRPath, targetGPOName, false);
Console.WriteLine("Merge Successful");        
catch (Exception ex)
string msg = ex.Message;