27.7 Modifying Server Certificate Using REST Container

Perform the following steps to modify server certificates using REST container:

  1. Run the following command to copy the new server certificate (for e.g. new-keys.pfx) in any location of your container:

    docker cp /path/to/new-keys.pfx <container_id/name>:/tmp/new-keys.pfx
  2. Login to your container using the following command:

    docker exec -it <container_name> bash
  3. Run NLPCERT to store the keys.

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/novell/lib64/:/opt/novell/eDirectory/lib64/:/opt/netiq/common/openssl/lib64/ /opt/novell/eDirAPI/sbin/nlpcert -i /tmp/new-keys.pfx -o /etc/opt/novell/eDirAPI/conf/ssl/private/cert.pem

    The above command will also prompt you to enter the server certificate password. Enter your password.

  4. Exit the container console using the following command:

  5. Restart the container

    docker restart <container name>