19.6 Subtree Search Performance Improvement

The eDirectory subtree search performance for a large tree with a significantly nested structure remains flat irrespective of the base DN of the search. This has been resolved by using an AncestorID attribute. The AncestorID attribute is a list of entry IDs of all ancestors, associated with each entry. This AncestorID attribute is used internally during the subtree search and therefore restricts the scope of the search.

This attribute gets populated while adding an entry and after upgrade for all the entries in the DIB and is repopulated for all the entries in the subtree after a subtree is moved. However, the subtree search will not use the AncestorID attribute while populating the attribute after upgrade and subtree move. Therefore, the subtree performance remains similar to pre-eDirectory subtree search performance.

To verify if AncestorIDs are updated after upgrade:

Once the AncestorIDs are populated, the NDS Object Upgrade version changes to 6 or more. You can view this using iMonitor in the DIB History section of Agent Information.

To verify if AncestorIDs are updated after the subtree move operation:

While the AncestorIDs are being populated, the attribute UpdateInProgress in the Pseudo Server object has the list of entry IDs of the partition Root of the subtree. Once the AncestorIDs are populated, the attribute will not be present in the Pseudo Server.

DSRepair updates the AncestorID attribute if it is invalid.