After you change a configuration option or setting on an LDAP server, you must refresh the server so that the changes can take effect.
However, you can't refresh the server while LDAP requests are being serviced. For example, if an operation requires a 15-minute walk of the eDirectory tree, the refresh won't occur until after that operation is complete.
Similarly, you can't take the LDAP server down while LDAP server threads are at work.
When a refresh is scheduled to occur, the LDAP server delays new LDAP requests from starting until after the refresh occurs.
By default, at 30-minute intervals the LDAP server checks the time stamps on the LDAP Server object and the LDAP Group object for changes to settings. If settings have changed, the server then implements the changes.
If the server discovers that time stamps on the settings have not changed, no refresh occurs. If you force a refresh, the server ignores time stamps and makes the changes.
To refresh the LDAP server, do one of the following:
Use iManager.
Wait for the server to reconfigure itself at the refresh interval.
Unload and then reload nldap.nlm.
You don't have to unload any prerequisite NLM programs before unloading nldap.nlm.
Nldap.nlm unloads and then reloads dependent NLM programs.
At the command line, change the refresh interval.
This option might be useful if you have WAN links that are not up continuously. You can temporarily make the server's heartbeat longer or shorter, as needed.
This change is not persistent. You must re-enter the command each time that you load nldap.nlm.
At the server console, enter
ldap refresh [=] [date][time][interval]
The format for the date variable is mm:dd:yyyy. If you enter zeros for all date fields, the current date is used.
The format for the time variable is hh:mm:ss. If you enter zeros for all time fields, the current time is used.
The format for the interval variable is 0 or between 1 and 2147483647 minutes. If you enter zero, the default of 30 minutes is used.
You can add this command to the autoexec.ncf file in the sys:\system directory. Place the command after the line that loads nldap.nlm.