18.3 SLP_NETWORK_ERROR(-23) Occurs in Windows Machines

The Service Location Protocol (SLP) query returns -23 SLP_NETWORK_ERROR on a virtual machine having a DHCP address or on a physical or a virtual machine in which SLP is not broadcasted.

You can avoid the SLP error by configuring the Directory Agent in your network in one of these ways:

  1. Copy the C:\Windows\System32\Novell\eDir\OpenSLP\slp.conf file to the c:\Windows\ directory.

  2. Open the slp.conf file by using a text editor and change the following line:

    ;net.slp.DAAddresses = myDay1,myDa2,myDa3 


    net.slp.DAAddresses = <Give your DA Address> 
  3. Save the changes, then close the file.


  1. Copy the C:\Windows\System32\Novell\eDir\OpenSLP\slp.conf file to the c:\Windows\ directory.

  2. Open the slp.conf file by using a text editor and change the following line:

     ;net.slp.isDA = true 


    net.slp.isDA = true 
  3. Save the changes, then close the file.