NetIQ eDirectory 8.8 SP8 Administration Guide
- NetIQ eDirectory 8.8 SP8 Administration Guide
- Understanding NetIQ eDirectory
- Ease of Management through NetIQ iManager
- Object Classes and Properties
- Context and Naming
- Schema
- Partitions
- Replicas
- Server Synchronization in the Replica Ring
- Access to Resources
- eDirectory Rights
- Designing Your NetIQ eDirectory Network
- eDirectory Design Basics
- Designing the eDirectory Tree
- Guidelines for Partitioning Your Tree
- Guidelines for Replicating Your Tree
- Planning the User Environment
- Designing eDirectory for e-Business
- Understanding the NetIQ Certificate Server
- Synchronizing Network Time
- Managing Objects
- General Object Tasks
- Managing User Accounts
- Configuring Role-Based Services
- Managing Background Process
- Synchronization
- Configuring Background Processes
- Managing the Schema
- Extending the Schema
- Viewing the Schema
- Manually Extending the Schema
- Schema Flags Added in eDirectory 8.7
- Using the Client to Perform Schema Operations
- Managing Partitions and Replicas
- Creating a Partition
- Merging a Partition
- Moving Partitions
- Cancelling Create or Merge Partition Operations
- Administering Replicas
- Setting Up and Managing Filtered Replicas
- Viewing Partitions and Replicas
- NetIQ eDirectory Management Utilities
- NetIQ Import Conversion Export Utility
- Index Manager
- eDirectory Service Manager
- Offline Bulkload Utility
- Offline Bulkload Utility: ldif2dib
- Improving Bulkload Performance
- Using ldif2dib for Bulkloading
- Multiple Instances
- Tuning ldif2dib
- Limitations
- Caveats
- Using NetIQ iMonitor
- System Requirements
- Accessing iMonitor
- iMonitor Architecture
- iMonitor Features
- Ensuring Secure iMonitor Operations
- Configuring HTTP Server Object
- Setting HTTP Stack Parameters Using ndsconfig
- SecretStore Configuration for eDirectory Server
- Linux
- Windows
- Merging NetIQ eDirectory Trees
- Merging eDirectory Trees
- Grafting a Single Server Tree
- Renaming a Tree
- Using the Client to Merge Trees
- Encrypting Data in eDirectory
- Encrypted Attributes
- Encrypted Replication
- Achieving Complete Security While Encrypting Data
- Repairing the NetIQ eDirectory Database
- Performing Basic Repair Operations
- Viewing and Configuring the Repair Log File
- Performing a Repair in NetIQ iMonitor
- Repairing Replicas
- Repairing Replica Rings
- Maintaining the Schema
- Repairing Server Network Addresses
- Performing Synchronization Operations
- DSRepair Options
- Using the Client to Repair a Database
- Graphical DS Repair Utility
- WAN Traffic Manager
- Understanding WAN Traffic Manager
- WAN Traffic Manager Policy Groups
- WAN Policy Structure
- Understanding LDAP Services for NetIQ eDirectory
- Key Terms for LDAP Services
- Understanding How LDAP Works with eDirectory
- Using LDAP Tools on Linux
- Extensible Match Search Filter
- LDAP Transactions
- Configuring LDAP Services for NetIQ eDirectory
- Loading and Unloading LDAP Services for eDirectory
- Verifying That the LDAP Server Is Loaded
- Verifying That the LDAP Server Is Running
- Configuring LDAP Objects
- Refreshing the LDAP Server
- Authentication and Security
- Using the LDAP Server to Search the Directory
- Configuring for Superior Referrals
- Persistent Search: Configuring for eDirectory Events
- Getting Information about the LDAP Server
- Configuring Generalized Time Support
- Configuring Permissive Modify Control
- Auditing LDAP Events
- Configuring and Using the LDAP Password Modify Extended Operation
- Backing Up and Restoring NetIQ eDirectory
- Checklist for Backing Up eDirectory
- Understanding Backup and Restore Services
- Using Roll-Forward Logs
- Preparing for a Restore
- Using DSBK
- Backing Up and Restoring NICI
- Recovering the Database If Restore Verification Fails
- Scenarios for Backup and Restore
- Disaster Recovery Plan using DSBK
- LDAP-Based Backup
- eDirectory Backup with SMS
- SNMP Support for NetIQ eDirectory
- Definitions and Terminology for SNMP
- Understanding SNMP Services
- eDirectory and SNMP
- Installing and Configuring SNMP Services for eDirectory
- Monitoring eDirectory Using SNMP
- Troubleshooting
- Maintaining NetIQ eDirectory
- Advanced Referral Costing
- Keeping eDirectory Healthy
- Resources for Monitoring
- Upgrading Hardware or Replacing a Server
- Restoring eDirectory after a Hardware Failure
- Subtree Search Performance Improvement
- DHost iConsole Manager
- What is DHost?
- Running DHost iConsole
- Managing eDirectory Modules
- Querying for DHost Information
- Process Stack
- Setting the sadmin Password
- The eDirectory Management Toolbox
- Using the Command Line Client
- Using the Logger
- Using the eMBox Client for Backup and Restore
- Using NetIQ iManager for Backup and Restore
- Auditing eDirectory Events
- Auditing with Novell Audit
- Auditing with XDASv2
- Journal Event Caching
- LDAP Auditing
- NMAS Considerations
- Setting Up a Security Container As a Separate Partition
- Merging Trees with Multiple Security Containers
- NetIQ eDirectory Linux Commands and Usage
- General Utilities
- LDAP-Specific Commands
- Configuring OpenSLP for eDirectory
- Service Location Protocol
- SLP Fundamentals
- Configuration Parameters
- How NetIQ eDirectory Works with DNS
- Configuring GSSAPI with eDirectory
- Concepts
- How Does GSSAPI Work with eDirectory?
- Prerequisites for Configuring GSSAPI
- Configuring the SASL-GSSAPI Method
- Managing the SASL-GSSAPI Method
- Creating a Login Sequence
- Error Messages
- Commonly Used Terms
- Security Considerations
- LDAP Binds
- Nessus Scan Results
- Configuring the Kerberos Password Agent
- Prerequisites for Configuring Kerberos Password
- Enabling KPA Functionality for a Kerberos Realm
- Kerberos Password Agent
- Universal Password Considerations
- Legal Notice