4.1 Management Tasks for User Mailboxes

You can manage Microsoft Exchange mailboxes for user accounts in the managed domain or managed subtree. Each aspect of managing Microsoft Exchange mailboxes requires different powers. The powers you have control which mailbox properties you can modify, or whether you can create, clone, view, or delete Microsoft Exchange mailboxes. You can also manage mailbox rights and permissions associated with a user account, allowing you to control the security of your Microsoft Exchange environments. If you do not have the required power to modify a tab or field for the selected mailbox, DRA disables the tabs and fields that you cannot modify.

In addition to the tasks defined below, user accounts may have options enabled in the object properties by the DRA Administrator to configure settings for Skype and Skype Online. Skype can be configured from user accounts in both the ARM console and the Web Console. Skype Online can only be configured from the Web Console.

Create a mailbox

You can create a Microsoft Exchange mailbox for an existing user account. You can also modify properties for the new mailbox.

NOTE:When you create a mailbox, Exchange generates the necessary proxy strings based on your Exchange policy settings. Microsoft Exchange also generates default proxy strings. As a result, when you view the properties of the newly created mailbox, you see both types of proxy strings.

Clone a user account

When you clone a user account, any groups that the user is a member are automatically added to the new user account, saving you time in configuring the new account. You can add or remove groups from the new account, enable email, and make any other property configurations as you would with any new account.

NOTE:When you clone an InetOrgPerson object, you create a user account.

Move a mailbox

You can move a Microsoft Exchange mailbox for a user account to another mailbox store or Microsoft Exchange server.

Modify mailbox properties

You can modify properties for Microsoft Exchange mailboxes as you manage the associated user accounts. The powers you have determine which mailbox properties you can modify.

NOTE:You cannot modify mailbox properties of user accounts managed on member servers.

Configure mailbox security permissions

You can specify which user accounts, groups, or computers you want to grant or deny the ability to send and receive email using a specific Microsoft Exchange mailbox. These settings let you more effectively secure your Exchange environment. You cannot modify inherited security permissions.

NOTE:When you manage mailbox security, disabled permissions may indicate inherited permissions.

Remove mailbox security permissions

You can remove mailbox security permissions from a user account, group, or computer associated with a Microsoft Exchange mailbox. Removing mailbox security permissions prevents the user account, group, or computer account from sending and receiving email through the specified mailbox. You cannot remove inherited security permissions.

Configure mailbox rights

You can grant or deny other user accounts, groups, or computers rights to a specific Microsoft Exchange mailbox. These settings let you more effectively secure your Exchange environment. You cannot modify inherited mailbox rights.

NOTE:When you manage mailbox rights, disabled permissions may indicate inherited permissions.

Remove mailbox rights

You can remove mailbox rights from user accounts, groups, or computers associated with a specific Microsoft Exchange mailbox. Removing mailbox rights prevents the user account, group, or computer account from using the specified mailbox. You cannot remove inherited mailbox rights.

Delete a mailbox

You can delete a mailbox associated with a user account in the managed domain or managed subtree. Deleting a mailbox also deletes all messages in the mailbox.

Add or modify an email address

You can specify email addresses for mailboxes associated with user accounts in your managed domain or managed subtree. You can also assign email addresses to user accounts who do not yet have mailboxes. When managing Microsoft Exchange mailboxes, you can add only the email address types defined by your proxy generation policies.

Specify a reply address

You can set reply addresses for a mailbox associated with a user account in the managed domain or managed subtree. You can set several reply addresses for a mailbox. However, you cannot set more than one email address type as a reply address. For example, you cannot specify more than one Internet address as a reply address.

Delete an email address

You can delete an email address by removing the address from the mailbox.

Specify delivery options

You can specify which mailboxes the user can use to send messages, set forwarding options, and specify recipient limits.

Specify delivery restrictions

By setting delivery restrictions, you can limit the size of incoming and outgoing messages and the acceptance of incoming messages for a specific mailbox.

Specify storage limits

You can specify storage limits, such as warnings based on the size of a mailbox. You can also specify retention times for deleted items.

Check mailbox move status

You can check the status of mailbox moves and take actions on them, such as clearing the status, canceling a move, and resuming a move that has been interrupted.